Live Version:
Fritze Cards is an Ecommerce application for purchasing baseball cards from my personal collection.
Clone Repo
Install MongoDB
npm install
create .env file in root folder like this:
- npm start ('jayrow' root directory) - backend
- npm start ('frontend' directory) - frontend
- MongoDB
- Express
- React
- Node
- Redux
- Mongoose
- Axios
- Babel
- Nodemon
- Paypal (sandbox environment)
- React Lazy Load (for images)
- Create a general landing page with about section
- Upload Card images by implementing a "choose file" button
- Implement Multer for image uploads
- Implement Amazon Web Services for uploading card images
- Adjust shipping costs based on location - to make shipping costs reasonable
- Implement "forgot password" functionality
- Implement a "Guest Checkout" option
- Add more card manufacturers
- Review and cleanup unused imports/variable
- Research how to speed up image loading
- Research why Paypal is slow to load (sometimes have to refresh screen)
- Improve Search functionality - auto complete (trie data structure)
- Research ways to improve UI