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Waymo Motion Prediction - Dataset Preprocessing

This repository provides an unofficial preprocessing of the Waymo Open Dataset - Motion Prediction. It aims to enhance the usability and accessibility of the dataset by offering a set of preprocessing scripts and utilities.

Table of Contents

Get started

Recommended: Ubuntu 20.04 or higher.

1. Installation

A step-by-step installation guide.

  1. Create a conda virtual environment and activate it.
conda create -n waymo python=3.8 -y
conda activate waymo
  1. Install PyTorch following the official instructions.
conda install pytorch==1.5.1 torchvision cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
  1. Install TensorFlow following the official instructions.
pip install tensorflow==2.4
  1. Install waymo open dataset dependencies according to the reference.
pip install waymo-open-dataset-tf-2-11-0==1.6.0
  1. Install Google Protocol Buffers.
pip install protobuf
  1. Clone the Waymo-Motion-Dataset-Preprocess repository.
git clone

2. Download dataset

The motion dataset is provided as sharded TFRecord format files containing protocol buffer data. The data are split into training, test, and validation sets with a split of 70% training, 15% testing and 15% validation data.

cd Waymo-Motion-Preprocess
mkdir dataset && cd dataset
mkdir train val test

Download the full dataset from Google Cloud to the directories respectively following the official instructions.

Make sure the folder structure is:

├── dataset/
    ├── train/
    ├── val/
├── dataLoader/
└── preprocess/

How to use

Run the execution file for train/val/test dataset.

python train --downsample-factor=10 --type-feats=vp

In the original lane graph, the sample distance of the lane centerlines is approximately 0.5m. It's recommended to downsample the graph by a factor of 10. Users could modify the downsample rate --downsample-factor accordingly.

What's in the preprocessed data

The preprocessed data is a dict() with keys including:


# denotes those features that may not necessarily exist.

  • 'time_stamps': This attribute represents the temporal dimension of the dataset. It consists of 91 samples, each sampled at a frequency of 10 Hz, resulting in a total duration of 9 seconds.
  • 'current_time_index': This index indicates the current time, with a value of 10 corresponding to the 1 second of the scenario.
  • 'sdc_index': The index indicates the self-driving car (SDC), which is considered as the centre of the scenario.
  • 'objects_of_interest': This attribute identifies objects that need particular attention. This information is not available for all scenarios.
  • 'object_ids': Keeps the unique ID of each object in a scenario.
  • 'object_types': Indicates the type of each object, which is classified as vehicle, cyclist or pedestrian.
  • 'trajs_xyz': Captures the trajectory of each object in three-dimensional space (x, y, z) over 9 seconds.
  • 'velocity_xy_heading': Describes the velocity in two-dimensional space (x, y) and orientation of each object over 9 seconds.
  • 'shapes': Provides the physical dimensions of each object, including its length, width, and height.
  • 'valid_masks': A binary mask that indicates the validity of object data at each timestamp. It helps identifying missing or unreliable information for specific objects at certain time points.
  • 'target_indx': Specifies the indices of the tracks (up to 8) that need to be predicted from all objects in the scenario ('object_ids').
  • 'orig': Indicates the position of the SDC at the current time within the scenario.
  • 'theta': Represents the moving direction of the SDC at the current time. The attributes 'orig' and 'theta' help determin the relative positions (local view) of other objects with respect to the SDC.
  • 'engage_id': Contains the IDs of the selected objects that are used for analysis. Some objects may be excluded from analysis due to specific reasons.
  • 'target_indx_e': Similar to 'target_indx', specifies the indices of the tracks to be predicted specifically from the selected objects ('engage_id').
  • 'feats: Contains the combined velocity and valid mask information of each object within the first second. (local view)
  • 'ctrs': Contains the position of each object at current time. (local view)
  • 'gt_preds': Keeps the ground truth trajectory for the remaining 8 seconds. (global view)
  • 'has_preds': Keeps the masks of the remaining 8 seconds.

'road_info' is a dict() containing information regarding the map within the scenario:

  • 'roadLine', 'roadEdge', 'crosswalk', 'speedBump', 'driveway' contain features including:
   └──'polyline' or 'polygon'

A driveway (also called drive in UK English) is a type of private road for local access to one or a small group of structures, and is owned and maintained by an individual or group.(from Wikipedia)

  • 'lane' contains features including:
  • 'speedlimit': contains speed limit of each lane in mph.
  • 'polyline': contains the centerline of each lane.
  • 'entryLanes','exitLanes','leftNeighbors' and 'rightNeighbors': contains the id of other lanes that have connections to the current lane, in 4 different ways respectively.

For more details regarding 'Neighbors' and 'Boundaries', please refer to waymo-open-dataset/docs/

  • 'dynamic_map' contains features including:
  • 'id': The ids of the lanes that have dynamic state information.
  • 'stop_point_xyz': The stop position (x,y,z) of the lane.
  • 'time_step': Time steps from 0 to 90.
  • 'state': Contains the dynamic state of the lane at each time step. There are 6 kinds of state:
  • 'graph' is a dict() containing processed graph features.

  • 'ctrs': Within the centerline of a lane, each pair of adjacent points with the line connecting them is considered as a lane segment. The midpoint of each segment is defined as a node. All the nodes are stored in this 'ctrs' attribute.
  • 'feats': Contains the direction vector of each lane segment.
  • 'num_nodes': Represents the total number of nodes in the entire lane graph.
  • 'node_idcs': Stores the index ranges of nodes for each lane. It helps organize and locate nodes within their respective lanes.
  • 'pre_pairs', 'suc_pairs', 'left_pairs', 'right_pairs': These 4 attributes contain lane pairs that indicate connectivity between lanes. They are directly derived from 'entryLanes','exitLanes','leftNeighbors' and 'rightNeighbors'.
  • 'pre', 'suc', 'left', 'right': Likewise these 4 attributes contain node pairs that indicate connectivity between nodes.
  • 'lane_idcs': This attribute serves as a mapping from the index of a node to the index of the lane to which the node belongs. It provides a convenient way to associate nodes with their respective lanes.



The work is released under the MIT license.


Preprocessing of the Waymo Open Dataset motion prediction.







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