Libtron is a Python script/app that allows you to create an Electron app with custom settings, including the URL, app title, description, and icon path. Additionally, it provides the option to build an executable for the Electron app.
Credits to Electrimake for the main source of this project. GUI was made by Liberty Software.
- Python 3.x
- Node.js (for Electron)
Before running the script, ensure you have the necessary dependencies installed:
Python dependencies:
pip install tkinter
Node.js dependencies:
npm install -g electron electron-builder
Clone or download this repository.
Run the script:
Fill in the URL, app title, description, and icon path (optional) in the provided fields.
Click the "Create Electron App" button to create the Electron app.
Optionally, click the "Build Executable" button to build an executable for the Electron app.
- If you encounter any issues feel free to send a issue.
This project is licensed under the Apache License.