Easily and quickly delete uneccessary tags.
- Upload the plugin files to the
directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. - Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress.
- Add the shortcode, [wpdevtags] with optional settings to a page and open the page. Settings options below.
Optional shortcode attributes:
- number="#" / Default: 500 Example: [wpdevtags number="500"]
Number of tags to delete on each run.
- offset="#" / Default: 200 Example: [wpdevtags offset="200"]
Number of tags to leave untouched.
- auto="1" / Default: 1 (on) Example: [wpdevtags auto="1"]
Turns on auto-refresh when the function is completed, for hands off tag deletion in batches.
- optimize="yes" / Default: no Example: [wpdevtags optimize="yes"]
Optimizes affected wp_terms tables in the database, for a faster running site.