First, download your HTML and JavaScript files. You can also download the blank CSS document, or create your own.
- Open the index.html file in your text editor and in your browser
- Edit the text to be custom to you.
- Add a list of some things about you under h2 tag and before your p tag.
- Add a button. How do I add a button?
- Open the style.css file in your text editor.
- Change all font to arial. How do I change the font in CSS?
- Add some formatting to your header. Give it a background color, a new font color, and add padding around your text to make it look centered within the box.
- Move your button to the next line and add a margin to your button so that it is more centered. How do I move an element to the next line?
- Open the script.js file in your text editor.
- Look at the function in the JavaScript.
- Add an id of “header” to h1 in your HTML. How do I add an ID to an HTML element?
- Link your JavaScript function to your HTML button. How do I link a JavaScript function to an HTML button?
- Save and refresh your page and test your button!
Extra Practice
- Change the pictures to your own favorite books (or whatever!)
- Change the color of your button.
- Add additional buttons to change header to additional colors.
- Add a new element to your page.