Web application for Lifesprk's Engineering's career journey framework.
# After cloning the repo, from the directory's root:
nvm use
npm i
npm run dev
# Visit http://localhost:3000
As engineering at Lifesprk evolves, so too must this framework. We want to make it as easy as possible for anybody to request changes but still retain an approval process, auditing, history, etc. just like you would want in any code base. As such, we use git to manage changes in the framework.
There are a few ways to contribute:
For people who want to edit in their favorite local editor.
- Clone the repo (just like you would any other repo).
- Create a branch (e.g.
git checkout -b feature/reword-assoc-delivery
). - Push your branch and create a pull request in github.
For people who want to make simple changes straight in github's web app.
- Open the file you want to change (most likely in the data directory).
- Click the pencil icon in the menu for the document to edit.
- Complete your edits.
- Add a commit message, select the Create a new branch... option
If you are not comfortable proposing changes via Pull Request, you can spin up a discussion in #engineering