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Moon API


GET / [run]

Returns the current moonphase

GET /phases/[phase] [run]

Possible phases: new, waxing_crescent, first_quarter, waxing_gibbous, full, waning_gibbous, last_quarter, waning_crescent

Returns the information for the specified phase

GET /date/[unix timestamp] [run]

Returns the phase for the given date

Phase data shape

field type description
phase string one of new, waxing_crescent, first_quarter, waxing_gibbous, full, waning_gibbous, last_quarter, waning_crescent
days integer number of days in this moon phase - always 0 for date and phase endpoints
emoji emoji one of 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘
association string magical association for this phase

GET /phases [run]

Returns an array of all the possible phases of the moon and associated data.

Example payload

  "phase": "waxing_crescent",
  "days": 2,
  "emoji": "🌒",
  "association": "setting intentions"


bundle exec rake test

Getting Started

bundle install
bundle exec rackup


gcloud config set project moon-api-392403  # set the correct project
gcloud app deploy                          # deploy the app
gcloud app logs tail -s default            # tail the logs to make sure things are gucci