Version 2.3.3, 2018-09-23
Chris Collins, Jimmy Dorff, Victor Orlikowski, Drew Stinnett, et al
Table of Contents
- A Brief History of Unix
- Lab 0: Creating a Personal Linux VM
- Unit 1: Shell Navigation and a Brief History of Unix
- Lab 1: Accessing a Remote Console; Playing Around
- Unit 2: Basic Filesystem Functionality
- Lab 2: Working with Files in the Filesystem
- Unit 3: Interactions with Data and Disk Storage
- Lab 3: Modifying Our Files
- Unit 4: Exploring Methods of Moving Data
- Lab 4: Transferring Data Amongst Remote Hosts
- Unit 5: Advanced File System Management
- Unit 6: Advanced Process Management
- Unit 7: Simple System Administration
- Lab 5: Building a Program from Source
- 1969: Unix invented at Bell Labs by Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie & others.
- 1971: First Edition used for text processing of patent documents.
- 1973: Fourth Edition was rewritten in C making it portable and started the OS revolution.
- 1975: Sixth Edition was made available outside of Bell Labs. BSD forks from here at Berkeley.
- 1979: Seventh Edition was improvement over all prior versions, debuted C language tools and Bourne shell.
- 1982: System III is the first public release of Unix outside of Bell Labs. SunOS and HP-UX fork from here.
- 1983: System V is the first supported release by AT&T with an installation base of 45,000.
- 1986: 4.3BSD released with TCP/IP and NFS. AIX announced by IBM. Install base 250,000.
- 1991: Linus Torvalds commences Linux Development. Solaris 1.0 debuts.
- 1994: Single Unix specification announced, separates trademark from specific code instances.
- 1994: First release of Red Hat Linux and Debian Linux, which become the dominant flavors of Linux.
- 1995: Toy Story, first feature-length computer-animated film, produced on Solaris workstations.
- 1997: Titanic is the first major film to be largely produced on Linux servers.
- 1999: Linux Kernel 2.2 released to celebrate Unix's 30th birthday.
- 2001: Apple releases Mac OS X, based on BSD Unix.
- 2003: Linux 2.6 kernel released. Red Hat creates RHEL and Fedora.
- 2004: Ubuntu, a popular desktop Linux distribution based on Debian, first released.
- 2007: Mac OS X certified to Unix standard.
- 2010: Apple reports 50 million desktops and growing, all Certified Unix Systems.
- 2011: Linux kernel 3.2 released to mark Linux's 20th birthday.
- 2012: 500 million Android (Linux) and iOS (Darwin) devices have been sold world wide.
- 2013: All 10 of the top 10 supercomputers in the world run Linux today.
A note on learning UNIX by Paul Murphy of ZDNet
"Basically, to learn Unix you learn to understand and apply a small set of key ideas and achieve expertise by expanding both the set of ideas and your ability to apply them[.]"
Command Prompt
When you login to a system you will be presented with what is referred to as a command prompt. This usually has some basic information about you as the user, as well as the machine you are logged into and the directory you are currently in.
Example: [user@hostname ~]$
Command line is awesome!!
- Faster and easier to document, share, reproduce, automate.
- Much faster for complex or repetitive tasks.
- Spaces and unusual characters in filenames make command line tools more difficult to use. (NB: this is not actually awesome)
ssh - Secure Shell
Ssh (Secure Shell) is a protocol used to exchange data securely between systems, most commonly for interactive shell and file transfers.
On Mac OS X or other Linux or UNIX systems, simply use the ssh command to connect to remote hosts. On Windows, there are a variety of clients, one of the most popular and easy to use is PuTTY (freeware).
[user@localhost ~]$ ssh's password:
[user@compute ~]$
On the first connection to a host you will need to accept the host key. For Mac and Linux systems, if your username is the same as your NetId you can omit it.
- Using a web browser, go to
- Click "Reserve a VM"
- Login using your Duke NetId.
- Select Ubuntu 18.04 for the Application and Operating System
The VCL web page will tell you the name for your VM. You should connect via ssh.
Example: ssh
Prints back what the user types to the screen or presents a variable in plaintext.
An Open Source replacement for the Bourne Shell (sh). It is the default shell on most Linux distributions currently and the one most likely to be encountered by users.
csh and tcsh are less common, and bash users tend to find their differences annoying. Google "Top Ten Reasons not to use the C shell" or "Csh Programming Considered Harmful" (a classic rant by Perl developer Tom Christiansen)
If you control your own system, and spend a lot of time working in (or scripting) the shell, there are other less-common shells that you might want to consider. In particular, zsh has a devoted following, and offers useful features that aren't available in bash.
Tab Completion
Working with the command line can be daunting when used to a GUI (graphical user interface). By using tab completion, you can minimize the amount of text you have to type by pressing [TAB] to complete what you have already partially typed. On modern systems with advanced tab completion you can auto-complete remote filesystems, command syntax, and more.
The history command is very useful to see what commands you have run in the past, and keeps by default the last 1000 lines entered at the prompt.
This can be a security hazard though, as sometimes people accidentally type their passwords on the command line, and if someone happens to shoulder-peek whilst you are browsing your history it could be compromised.
Useful Flags:
-c clears history
-d followed by a line number, clears the history from that line up only
Shows the manuals for commands.
Man can be your best friend when you are unfamiliar with commands in UNIX. You can run man followed by any command and see a comprehensive manual of the command and all options you can run it with.
Sometimes manuals can be lengthy and the amount of information you need is not easily discernible, as such, short form help can be found often by trailing a command with -?
or --help
If you know what you want to do, but don't know the command, man -k
(or apropos
) will list all the man pages that include the string you enter. You can then use man
to learn more details about the command(s) that you found.
Hotkeys and Shortcuts:
CTRL+R Dynamically search your command history
CTRL+E Move cursor to the end of the line
CTRL+A Move cursor to the beginning of the line
CTRL+W Delete previous word
CTRL+C Kill the current command
CTRL+P Recall the previous command from history
ALT+. (period) Insert the last parameter from the previous command
CTRL+D Exit/logoff
Up/Down Arrows Scroll through command history
~/.bashrc and ~/.bash_profile
These files are scripts which are executed whenever you log in or open a new terminal. They are used to configure your environment, set the PATH variable, or run commands. They are used somewhat differently on various systems, but for most uses the ~/.bashrc file should be used for adding functionality.
$PATH is a variable specified usually in the ~/.bashrc, that tells your session how to interact with the filesystem, usually where non-standard items are located, and in what order to process them.
This is useful when a program is already installed on the system, but you would like to compile or run a newer or different version without modifying the program which is already installed. You can install that program in your home directory, then modify your PATH to include the path to the program you installed.
In this example, python 2.4.3 is installed in /usr/bin, and python 2.7.3 is installed in /usr/local/bin. By modifying the order that these directories appear in the PATH variable, a different version of the program will be called when simply executing its name:
[user@compute01 ~]$ echo $PATH
[user@compute01 ~]$ which python
[user@compute01 ~]$ python
Python \*\*2.4.3 (#1, Jun 18 2012, 08:55:23)\*\*
[GCC 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-52)] on Linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
[user@compute01 ~]$ echo $PATH
[user@compute01 ~]$ which python
[user@compute01 ~]$ python
Python \*\*2.7.3 (default, Aug 17 2012, 17:43:15)\*\*
[GCC 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-52)] on Linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
- Open up a terminal window and ssh into the host provided.
- Once there, echo your path.
- Open the manual for the echo command.
- Find out the option to make a new line above your echo statement.
Print name of current Working Directory.
[user@compute ~]$ pwd
Change Directory. Changes the current working directory.
[user@compute ~]$ cd /nfs/labs
[user@compute labs]$
Relative Paths and Absolute Paths
A relative path is a path which is relative to your current working directory (does not begin with a leading slash). Relative paths sometimes start with a single dot or a double dot, indicating the current directory or the parent directory.
./ (Current directory)
../ (One directory up)
[user@compute chilab1]$ pwd
[user@compute chilab]$ cd ../ohlerlab
[user@compute ohlerlab]$ pwd
Application Paths
When typing a command, the shell searches directories in the path (a list of directories) in order for commands matching the name you typed. The first one found gets executed.
All users have a default path that the system knows to look in when searching for executables. If you would like to find out what your current paths are set to you can always echo back the $PATH system variable.
[user@compute ~]$ echo $PATH
Which is a command used to locate executables.
If there are multiple executables with the same name in different directories in your path, which can be used to identify which one will be executed when you type the command.
[user@compute ~]$ which matlab
In a UNIX environment, you execute a program by typing out the full path to it. In order to run matlab, you can type /usr/local/bin/matlab
; or if your current working directory is the directory /usr/local/bin
, you can use a relative path and type ./matlab
; or if it is in one of your application paths ($PATH) above, you simply have to type matlab
Displays a listing of files and directories.
Useful Flags:
-l Long directory listing with details like size, ownership, and permissions
-h Print human-readable sizes (only affects long listings)
-a Show all items, even hidden ones (whose names begin with a period)
-d If the target is a directory, list the directory instead of its contents.
[user@compute labs]$ ls
barda dietrichlab itlab nevinslung tianlab
[user@compute ~]$ ls -l /nfs/labs/
total 132
drwxrws--- 17 root barda 4096 Jun 29 12:27 barda
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 31 Jan 16 2012 benfeylab -> /nfs/dept/benfey_sas/benfeylab/
[user@compute labs]$ ls -l -h -d barda/
drwxrws--- 17 root barda 4.0K Jun 29 12:27 barda
File Permissions
Permissions are displayed as 10 fields in the leftmost column on a long directory listing, and describe who can read, write, and execute the file or directory. They are divided into sections:
| Info | User | Group | Other |
| - | --- | --- | --- |
These spaces will usually be populated with the characters "r" (read), "w" (write), and "x" (execute) and determine what a user is able to do with the file or folder. The info field denotes the "type" of file (insofar as Unix is concerned); it will contain a "-" for a "regular" file, a letter "d" if the entry is a directory, or other letters for "special" file types.
Example: Running our ls -l
command above we see the following for this folder.
[user@compute ~]$ ls -l
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 2 steve visitors 4096 Apr 25 12:20 expt
drwxr-xr-x 3 steve visitors 4096 Apr 17 21:04 R
In this example, there are two directories listed. They are directories as indicated by the "d" in the info field. The user (steve) has full permissions (read/write/execute), and the group (visitors) can read and execute (but not write), and everyone else can also read and execute (but not write).
For a file, execute permission means that it can be executed as a program or script. For a directory, execute permission (along with read permission) means that the contents of the directory can be read and listed.
Creates a new empty directory.
Performs a write operation to a file without writing any actual data. Creates a file if it does not exist, or updates the modified timestamp on a file that already exists.
Useful for creating a blank file or updating a timestamp.
[user@compute ~]$ ls foo
ls: foo: No such file or directory
[user@compute ~]$ touch foo
[user@compute ~]$ ls -l foo
-rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 0 Jul 31 12:22 foo
Copy a file or directory.
Useful Flags:
-v Prints a line for every file copied
-R, -r, --recursive Recursively copy directories and all of their content.
Use care with this one.
[user@compute ~]$ cp -v foo bar
'foo' -> 'bar'
[user@compute ~]$ ls -l foo bar
-rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 0 Jul 31 12:23 bar
-rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 0 Jul 31 12:23 foo
Moves or renames a file (which is actually the same operation in UNIX).
Useful Flags:
-v Verbose. Prints a line for every file moved
-i, --interactive Prompt before overwriting
[user@compute ~]$ mv -v foo foo_moved
`foo' -> `foo_moved'
[user@compute ~]$ ls -l foo foo_moved
ls: foo: No such file or directory
-rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 0 Jul 31 12:23 foo_moved
Removes (deletes) a file
Useful Flags:
-r, -R, --recursive Recursively remove directories and their contents
-i, --interactive Prompt before overwriting
-f, --force Without notice plow through, very dangerous
-v, --verbose Prints a line for every file removed/deleted.
Removes an empty directory
Sometimes a directory will seem empty but will actually include hidden files. If rmdir fails, you may need take a closer look at the apparently-empty directory with ls -al
Show who is logged on (and what command they are running), system uptime, and load average. Optionally provide a username to view only their sessions.
[user@compute ~]$ w user
13:34:49 up 76 days, 25 min, 26 users, load average: 0.04, 0.01, 0.00
user pts/8 12:15 0.00s 0.03s 0.00s w user
Prints information for yourself or another user. It will give you the user's unique ID number, and all the groups that the user is a member of along with their associated group ID numbers. This can help you identify permissions for file and directory access.
[user@compute ~]$ id
uid=5555(user) gid=1000(professors)
[user@compute ~]$ id joe
uid=1234(joe) gid=1000(professors) groups=1000(professors),1056(dept),\
A similar tool is whoami, which simply displays your own username. Example:
[user@compute ~]$ whoami
Get entries from a system database, such as /etc/passwd (list of users), /etc/group (list of groups), and other system files. Most commonly, this is used to find group membership. If you want to see which users are members of a specific group, then you can use getent to get entries in the group database.
[user@compute ~]$ getent group chilab
Change mode, is a command used to modify permissions on a file. If you would like to share your files with another user in your group, you can modify the permissions to grant read, write, or execute the file.
Useful Flags:
u (User)
g (Group)
o (Other)
+ (Add Permission)
- (Remove Permission)
r (read)
w (write)
x (execute)
[user@compute ~]$ ls -l largefile.10g
-rwx------. 1 user research 10737418240 Jul 2 08:46 largefile.10g
The user above has the file largefile.10g that he would like to share with other people in the group "research" so that they can read and write to the file. This is where chmod comes in:
[user@compute ~]$ chmod g+rw largefile.10g
[user@compute ~]$ ls -l largefile.10g
-rwxrw----. 1 user research 10737418240 Jul 2 08:46 largefile.10g
The g+rw means that for the group, add ( + ) read and write permission. This results in the file having read, write, and execute permissions for the user, and read and write for the group.
Change Owner, is a command used to modify the owner of a file. This usually can only be performed on a system where you have administrative rights and can switch files from one user to another.
[user@compute ~]$ chown user2 largefile.10g
[user@compute ~]$ ls -l largefile.10g
-rw-r--r-- 1 user2 staff 10737418240 Sep 6 11:38 largefile.10g
Change Group, is a command used to modify the group that can read a file. You can only switch group ownerships on a file that you are the owner of.
[user@compute ~]$ chgrp group2 largefile.10g
[user@compute ~]$ ls -l largefile.10g
-rw-r--r-- 1 user group2 10737418240 Sep 6 11:38 largefile.10g
Octal Permissions
Another way to modify permissions that you will often see is to use octal numbers to do so. Each value r, w, x is equivalent to a number which, when all permissions are set, add up to 7 (full permission).
4 = read
2 = write
1 = execute
If we wanted to grant read and write permissions to the research group like we did with our example above, we could also do the following:
[user@compute ~]$ chmod 760 largefile.10g
[user@compute ~]$ ls -l largefile.10g
-rwxrw---- . 1 user research 10737418240 Jul 2 08:46 largefile.10g
The 760 tells us that the user field should have an octal count of 7, (read+write+execute), the group field should have a count of 6, (read+write) and the other field should have a count of 0.
- Open the terminal application
- Navigate to the /tmp directory.
- Run id on your username, write down your primary group.
- Make a directory named Lastname_Firstname.
- List the permissions on this directory.
- Modify the permissions where others can enter the directory but not edit it's contents.
- Change (move) into the directory.
- Create an empty file named foo.
- Copy this file to a new file named bar.
- Move this file to a new file named baz.
- Modify the permissions so that only you can read foo.
- Modify the permissions on baz to allow anyone to edit it. (Not a good idea in the real world.)
At the end you should have 3 deliverables:
- A folder with your name, with permissions set correctly.
- A primary empty file with that only you can read.
- A secondary empty file that anyone can edit.
Mount Point
A mount point is a directory or location in the local filesystem that you can use to mount either a remote directory or local device to access the files available there.
NFS (Network File System) is a protocol which allows remote file storage to be available (mounted) on another machine. Many Linux servers use NFS for home directories and many of their storage options.
Disk Usage & Quotas
Knowing how much total space is available, how much is used, and how much is free is critical to working with data. For network storage, you probably have a quota assigned as well, which limits the amount of space an individual user can use on the storage volume.
DF (Disk File System Info) is used to see the entire size of a local volume or disk, and what is available. However, the 'available' numbers are simply the space free on the volume, and do not reflect limits imposed by user quotas.
So a user could see df
report that there are many GB free, while at the same time they don't have space to save a 2 MB file.
Useful Flags:
-h human-readable (converts byte values to MB, GB, etc.)
-T lists the type of filesystem
DU (Disk Usage) is used to count out the size of a particular directory, if you know the quota or volume size this will tell you what particular files or folders are using up specifically.
Useful Flags:
-h human readable - converts sizes to GB
-s summary - only shows top folder size.
Reading files
There are a variety of ways to view and edit files within the terminal on Linux systems.
Short for "concatenate", cat was originally intended to combine two files into one long file to browse; however, many people use it for a simple output of the contents of a file. It's useful in a graphical terminal because once a file or files are "catted" out, you can browse up and down them with your mouse.
less & more
These programs are intended for the reading of longer files. More will display the contents of a file, and at what place you are in the file via percentage, near the bottom, and allow you to move only downward through the file one page at a time with the space bar. Less
on the other hand offers much more than more
: it allows for searching with /
, navigation up and down with the arrow keys, and other handy features.
head & tail
Head and tail are quick file readers, displaying respectively the top (head) or bottom (tail) sections of a file. By default it shows 10 lines, but the -n
switch can set the number of lines to be shown.
[user@compute ~]$ tail /usr/share/dict/words
[user@compute ~]$ head -n15 /usr/share/dict/words
[user@compute ~]$ tail -n2 /usr/share/dict/words
Text Editors
Most configuration files, scripts, and system files are plain text and will need to be edited. There are a variety of text editors available on UNIX, which one you use is largely up to individual preference. To open a file, simply type run your editor of choice followed by the file (or files) you'd like to edit.
nano / pico
Nano and pico are nearly identical text editors developed for the Pine email client, and are a great editing tool for those new to UNIX. Since they were supposed to be a simple tool for email users, they have a low learning curve, and include a command reference at the bottom of the window for new users.
Useful Keys:
CTRL+O save
CTRL+W search
CTRL+V page down
CTRL+Y page up
CTRL+X exit
vi / vim
The default editor on most UNIX/Linux systems, and the editor of choice of many system administrators and programmers, including some of the instructors of this course.
It is very powerful and has many shortcuts and built in functions to make file editing more efficient. Vim is so complex that many classes and books have been designed for the sole purpose of teaching its advanced functions.
While it does have a high initial learning curve, a little time spent up front to get past the initial learning curve can be worthwhile, as its basic functions can be useful even to the more casual user.
Emacs is an advanced text editor, but that's not why its partisans love it.
It contains a fully-executable programming shell, and you can make it do almost anything.
The tradeoff for that power is that its learning curve makes vim look like pico.
Opening and Saving
In order to open most files in a UNIX system, you just type the name of the editor you wish to use, and then follow with the filename. To save, most of the editors have a write out function as defined in the Useful Keys section above.
Comparing Files
This is a program that will tell you whether two files are different, and tell you the location of the first difference.
This is a program that will point out lines that are different if you have two files, or copies of the same file and want to see what the differences are.
Useful Flags:
-y Displays contents side by size and points out differences.
-u Displays "unified" differences (differences surrounded by context, and
denoted by a "+" or "-" at the start of the line).
-q Only displays that they are differently quickly.
-b Ignore extra lines or whitespace.
Command Output Redirection
Redirection can be used to take the output of a command and write it into to a file instead of standard output (the terminal). There are two types of file redirection, one for overwrite and one for append.
: A single arrow is used to create a file, or overwrite the contents of an existing file if necessary. Good for sanity checks. Many people will have a program that writes out a new file with a specific output and check back against it.
: A double arrow is used to append to an existing file. Very useful for logs or continuing records, where you just want to add lines to the end
In this example, we use the df
command to show the disk usage for the user's home directory, and save the output into a file called my_quota.txt:
[user@compute ~]$ df -h ~ > my_quota.txt
[user@compute ~]$ cat my_quota.txt
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
4.7T 2.7T 2.0T 58% /nfs/central
File Extensions?
Unlike Windows, where every file has an extension identifying its type, most files in a UNIX filesystem do not, and are just defined by their permissions, all files can be opened with one of the text editors above, but many cannot be read or edited this way, a compiled binary file will appear as gibberish to most people.
File Compression
Tar is main UNIX archive utility that will allow you to store many files and directories into a single file, while optionally compressing them in the process. Compression methods include gz (GZip), bz2 (BZip2), or xz.
Using compression can drastically shrink the file size, which is useful when archiving or transferring data across the Internet. Many applications (and source code) are distributed inside these archives.
Useful Flags:
-c (create) create a new archive
-x (extract) extract or expand an archive file
-j (bz2 format) if compressed
-J (xz format) if compressed
-z (gzip format) if compressed
-v (verbose) will list files in and out of archive
-f (file name) the file you want to open, or save to
-C (directory name) change to directory DIR
A user has a directory full of files which can be cumbersome to send over email as individual files. Using tar and bz2 compression, the directory can be compressed into a single file that can then be easily emailed:
[user@compute ~]$ du -hs UNIX101/
24M UNIX101/
[user@compute ~]$ tar -cjvf UNIX101.tar.bz2 UNIX101/
[user@compute ~]$ du -hs UNIX101.tar.bz2
5M UNIX101.tar.bz2
Zip is also available are the commands zip and unzip which are used for manipulating zip files, the common compression/archiving format on Windows and other platforms.
Useful Flags:
-r recursive: grab all files in the folder you want to zip
-9 maximum compression: compress as small as possible, at the cost of more time
Same as above but with zip. (Note, it shows you compression numbers per file. Neat.)
[user@compute ~]$ du -hs UNIX101/
24M UNIX101/
[user@compute ~]$ zip -r9 UNIX101
adding: UNIX101/ (stored 0%)
adding: UNIX101/intro/ (stored 0%)
adding: UNIX101/intro/file\_layout.html (deflated 36%)
adding: UNIX101/intro/index.html (deflated 48%)
adding: UNIX101/intro/dilbert-UNIX.png (stored 0%)
adding: UNIX101/intro/style.css (deflated 50%)
adding: UNIX101/intro/agenda.html (deflated 56%)
adding: UNIX101/intro/parts.html (deflated 36%)
adding: UNIX101/intro/parts.png (deflated 1%)
adding: UNIX101/intro/multitask2.html (deflated 40%)
adding: UNIX101/intro/file\_layout\_2.html (deflated 36%)
[user@compute ~]$ du -hs
- Use head on the standard dictionary for 100 words and redirect them into your file foo.
- Use tail on the standard dictionary for 500 words and redirect them to your baz file.
- Find out the size of each of these files and append that to a new file called sizes.
- Now using echo, write the console output "My name is lastname_firstname" into the baz file, replacing the contents in that file.
- Using the editor of your choice, modify the file to add a period at the end of the line.
- Save the file.
- Find out the size of the file and also redirect that to the file called sizes.
- Make a new directory called archive, and copy each of the 3 files into the archive.
- Create and bzip this archive file to a file called archive.tar.bz2.
- Find out of the size of the archive file and append it to the sizes file.
- Delete your archive folder.
- Create a new folder called archive2 and extract your archive there.
- Use diff and display the differences of sizes file in your primary directory, and the one in the archive.
Scp (Secure Copy) transfers one or more files to or from a remote host via the SSH protocol. Therefore, you can transfer data into and out of nearly any server with SSH configured (see how SSH is incredibly useful?).
[user@compute ~]$ scp largefile.10g
largefile.10g 100% 10GB 21.4MB/s 07:59
SFTP (Secure FTP) is designed for secure file transfer (also over SSH, but requires more configuration on the server), and is run in an interactive mode with commands.
Wget (Web Get) is a handy program that downloads a file from a web site or FTP server. For example, if you find a download link to a .tar file containing a program you'd like to install on a server, simply copy the URL from your browser and paste it to your terminal after the wget command, and it will download that file to the remote server in the current directory.
Rsync (Remote Sync) is a very powerful tool for transferring, replicating, and verifying a set of files from one directory to another, often over a network (using, you guessed it, SSH). rsync is also able to resume an interrupted transfer, which is very handy when a multi-gigabyte transfer fails at 97%.
Useful flags:
-r recursive: copy the contents of folders.
-P show progress of transfers, and allow partial transfers to be resumed.
-a archive mode: copy full contents of folders, preserving file ownership,
permissions, and timestamps. This is useful when making a backup of
a directory or a whole computer.
user@localhost ~ $ ls -l foo/
bar baz testfile
user@localhost ~ $ rsync -Pa foo
sending incremental file list
foo/bar 3765 100% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 (xfer#1, to-check=2/4)
foo/baz 2825 100% 183.92kB/s 0:00:00 (xfer#2, to-check=1/4)
foo/testfile 1778 100% 115.76kB/s 0:00:00 (xfer#3, to-check=0/4)
sent 8594 bytes received 73 bytes 17334.00 bytes/sec
total size is 8368 speedup is 0.97
Version control
Projects involving multiple authors often use a version control system to keep track of changes. The most common version control system at the moment is git.
Git is a distributed version control and source code management system.
Useful Commands:
git clone creates a local copy of an online git repository
git add adds a new or modified file to be tracked in the staging area
git commit sends tracked files in the staging area to the parent repository
git status shows untracked files, and files you've changed since the last commit
git diff shows the differences between your working directory and the parent
repository, or between two commits
[user@compute ~]$ $ git clone
Cloning into 'scipy'...
remote: Counting objects: 91976, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (31/31), done.
remote: Total 91976 (delta 14), reused 2 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (91976/91976), 49.29 MiB | 5.83 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (70684/70684), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
- Open a shell on your local lab workstation.
- Download a file from the following web link:
- Make note of the time it takes to complete the download.
- We will use this file for a later lab.
A link (ln) or hard link is basically a reference to an inode address and a block of data on the disk. Most files will only ever have one, but there are instances when multiple can be useful. Every hard link that points to the same file can be read and written to, and modifies the same underlying data inside the file. The exception to this are permissions; each hard link can have distinct, separate permissions.
Hard links do not take up additional space in the filesystem, since they all point to the same data. This is contrary to making a copy of a file, which will take up twice the amount of space on the filesystem. A file remains as long as there are at least one hard link pointing to it. Once the last hard link is deleted, the file is officially deleted and the space it previously consumed is freed.
A symbolic link (ln -s) also referred to as a soft link, is similar to a shortcut in Windows. It points to the original location of a file, but if the destination file is moved or deleted, the link will be broken. A symlink can be deleted with no affect to the original file. Editing the data within the file from either the symlink or the file itself, will modify the original file.
Find is a program that searches through one or more directories of a filesystem and reports files matching the specified criteria. Criteria could be file name, date, owner, permission, type, etc.
[user@compute ~]$ find ~ -name large\*
Locate is similar to find, except it searches a precompiled database index of all files on the system instead of actually looking at the filesystem itself. This makes locate much faster than find; in most cases, it is instantaneous. Typically, the locate database is updated once per day by an automated task set by the system administrator. Because of this, the results from locate can be out of date if there have been changes made to the file(s) since the database was updated. Use find for the most up-to date information.
A pipe (|) is a method by which output from one command is used as the input for another command. This enables powerful processing of text, or streaming data from one program to another.
Utility for searching text for lines matching basic text or regular expressions. grep can be most useful in its simplest form when piping a command to grep and searching for a string of text.
[user@compute ~]$ df -h | grep scratch
/dev/sda7 44G 11G 32G 25% /scratch
Piping the output of df
to grep
with the expression 'scratch' will show any lines containing that string, in this case the /scratch mountpoint. This simple use can be applicable in many cases. Try some on your own.
Useful flags:
-v invert match (show lines which do **not** match the expression)
-An, -Bn, -Cn show the surrounding n line(s) around the text that matches
...choices are Above, Below, or Context (above & below)
-i ignore case (case insensitive search)
A note from Doug McIlroy, inventor of the Unix pipe
"This is the Unix philosophy: Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a universal interface."
Regex, or Regular Expressions, are a concise and flexible means to "match" for strings of text, such as particular characters, words, or patterns of characters. It can really help when searching logs and databases for entries or like entries. Because of their complexity, we will only touch on regular expressions by their use in other programs. See the links in External Resources section for more info.
Sed (Stream Editor), a utility that parses text and can apply transformations to that text as defined by regular expressions. It reads input from a pipe or from a file and applies a regular expression to each line and outputs them to stdout.
[user@compute ~]$ cat my_quota.txt
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on :/vol/central_sata/data
4.7T 2.7T 2.0T 58% /nfs/central
[user@compute ~]$ sed 's/san01a/newserver/' my_quota.txt
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
4.7T 2.7T 2.0T 58% /nfs/central
Awk is a tool used as a data extraction and reporting tool, often taking in values from stdout and separating lines into different fields via a specified separator and allowing you to report back a specific field.
You can list all group members with getent, but it gives me other info as well, if you just want the members, you can use awk to parse out that info, using the colon as the separator, and listing field 4.
[user@compute ~]$ getent group chilab
[user@compute ~]$ getent group chilab | awk -F: '{print $4}'
A checksum (or hash sum) is a small snippet of text computed from an arbitrary block of data for the purpose of detecting accidental errors that may have been introduced during its transmission or storage. The integrity of the data can be checked at any later time by recomputing the checksum and comparing it with the stored one. If the checksums match, the data was almost certainly not altered. Some popular hash algorithms include: MD5, cksum, SHA-1, SHA-256.
MD5 is commonly used as it gives a good balance of performance (little time taken to generate a hash on large data) and collision resistance (likelihood that two different files will calculate to the same hash value).
[user@localhost ~]$ md5sum foo.txt
37c4b87edffc5d198ff5a185cee7ee09 foo.txt
[user@localhost ~]$ mv -v foo.txt foo2.txt
`foo.txt' -> `foo2.txt'
[user@localhost ~]$ md5sum foo2.txt
37c4b87edffc5d198ff5a185cee7ee09 foo2.txt
Notice, after moving the file, the hash sum is the same, because the contents are identical and the file integrity is intact. Now instead if we edit the contents just by adding one character, we get a drastically different checksum value:
[user@localhost ~]$ md5sum foo.txt
37c4b87edffc5d198ff5a185cee7ee09 foo.txt
[user@localhost ~]$ vi foo.txt
[user@localhost ~]$ cat foo.txt
x The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
[user@localhost ~]$ md5sum foo.txt
1dcf0a9446176bee28ee29464400da86 foo.txt
Just adding a single character to the beginning of the file causes the checksum to be drastically different, thus indicating a modification to the contents of file.
Checking Machine Resources
Besides disk space, there are other resources on a server which you should be aware of when running applications, especially computationally intensive ones. Resources to consider include CPU, RAM (memory), and network bandwidth.
Ps (processes) is a program that lists running processes on the system.
Useful Flags:
-e show all processes, including those owned by others
-u sort by user
-f full format listing
-x show all processes
-H show a tree view of child/parent process hierarchy
can be used in conjunction with grep
similar to the example provided above to locate a particular program or programs started by a user.
Free is a tool to see the amount of memory (RAM) and swap space available and in use on the system.
Useful Flags:
-g display numbers in gigabytes (most useful in today's machines)
-m display numbers in megabytes
Note that the way the Linux kernel allocates memory, free (and other utilities) may report that nearly all of your RAM is being used. This is not entirely true; Linux uses inactive memory to cache files very intelligently. However, if an application needs that memory, it will quickly release it from filesystem cache. For a more usable number, refer to the "-/+ buffers/cache" line to see how much RAM is available for applications, excluding the filesystem buffers. (See for a more detailed explanation.
Top is an interactive program that provides a dynamic real-time view of a running system, including processes, CPU usage and the type of its use, memory, and swap consumption. It also allows you to interact with processes so that they can be killed or reniced (assuming the user has permission).
Managing Processes
Just as it describes, kill is a command used for killing an active process abruptly. Often used by administrators for cleaning up rogue jobs, but regular users can also control their own jobs with this command as well. This command requires you to specify the PID of the process to be killed (this can be found with the ps command).
Useful Flags:
-STOP suspends the process exactly as it is
-CONT resume a previously STOP'd process
-9 the most forceful method for killing a process
pkill Similar to kill though it will allow you to search for processes based on specific terms such as user.
Useful Flags:
-u -- user, pkill - u userid will kill all jobs by that user
Killall is aptly named - it kills all processes with the same name (not by PID). Most flags of the kill
command work with killall as well.
Job Control
UNIX systems have built-in support for running multiple processes at once from the same console through job control. Jobs can be launched in the background, then the user able to issue more commands while the background job runs. Backgrounded jobs will continue to output to your terminal.
Note that backgrounded jobs will NOT continue to run after disconnecting or logging out of the server. For this functionality, see nohup
or screen
and tmux
. This method is fairly crude, and has substantial limitations. For more full-featured interactive process management, see screen.
Useful Commands:
& Runs in the background
CTRL+Z Stops command and puts in background
jobs List processes under job control with associated job IDs
fg Bring to foreground and resume execution
bg Resume execution in background
[user@compute ~]$ ./
2012-10-01 12:15:32 INFO: Running iteration 1 of 5...
2012-10-01 12:15:37 INFO: Running iteration 2 of 5...
[1]+ Stopped ./
[user@compute ~]$ jobs
[1]+ Stopped ./
[user@compute ~]$ fg 1
2012-10-01 12:15:47 INFO: Running iteration 3 of 5...
[1]+ Stopped ./
[user@compute ~]$ bg 1
[1]+ ./ &
[user@compute ~]$ 2012-10-01 12:15:54 INFO: Running iteration 4 of 5...
[user@compute ~]$ free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 32185 31032 1152 0 339 29315
-/+ buffers/cache: 1377 30807
Swap: 32765 779 31985
[user@compute ~]$ 2012-10-01 12:15:59 INFO: Running iteration 5 of 5...
2012-10-01 12:16:04 INFO: Done!
[1]+ Done ./
[user@compute ~]$
In the above example, the program was executed normally, then stopped with CTRL+Z
. The jobs
command showed the job in a stopped state. fg
command started the command executing again in the foreground, where it is once again stopped with CTRL+Z
. bg
is then used to resume execution in the background this time, which allows the user to run any other commands they like - in this case, free -m
is used to check the memory usage. The script continues to run in the background, outputting text onto the console, until completing and exiting.
screen & tmux
The best thing(s) since self-slicing bread!
Screen and tmux are "terminal multiplexers". This allows you to connect and disconnect from long running processes and monitor the output. There are many good online "cheat sheets".
Admin access
Making changes to the operating system components affects all users. As such, it requires administrator rights on the Linux system. On your class virtual machines you have admin access via the sudo command. On real production systems you will probably not have admin access and will need to request changes.
apt & yum - installing software
Linux software is mostly provided by a distribution. Software is arranged into packages and groups of packages. This is kind-a like an "app store", but everything is free and kept up to date by the distribution.
On Red Hat Linux /CentOS distributions, use yum:
yum install scipy
On Ubuntu / Debian distributions, use apt:
apt-get install python-numpy
Building an application from source.
The best practice is to use software provided by the Linux distribution. However, sometimes specialized research software isn't packaged in a common distribution like Ubuntu. Also, you may need a new or experimental version of an application or you may need to modify the source code. In such cases, users may need to compile these programs from their source code and install the binary application in their home directory to be used. Your Linux system must have a C compiler and basic software build tools.
To install these execute:
sudo apt-get install build-essential
Typically, compiling from source code involves the following basic steps:
- Download and extract the source code
- Run the configure script:
- Compile the program:
- Install the program:
make install
The configure script will typically define variables such as where to find dependencies and where to install the resulting executable and library files. It will usually produce a text file called a Makefile, that you can use to build the application.
Useful Flags:
--prefix choose where to save the output files when you make
Make is the UNIX command to take the information from the make file and using the resident compiler (usually gcc) build the application from the source libraries provided in the package. Useful Arguments:
test check that the program compile correctly
clean clean up any leftovers from an earlier failed build
install install the binaries and libraries in the appropriate locations,
based on the `configure --prefix` option
In this lab, you will be building "ViennaRNA" from the source package you downloaded in Lab 4.
Using the source code you downloaded in Lab 4, run a checksum to ensure that the archive is intact
It should have the following checksum: 93297d5ee34567d5307bf537801fe381
Once we know it is good, extract the tar.gz archive
Enter the extracted archive directory with
Execute the
program, with a prefix of$HOME
on the newly generated makefile -
If make succeeds in compiling the program, run
make install
Edit your path so that
is preferred -
Logout and back in to refresh ~/.bashrc
which RNAfold
to check that the program is now in your $PATH -
and see if it works
To the extent possible under law, Linux@Duke has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Introduction To Linux. This work published from: United States.