I am a software developer currently working as a Salesforce Developer for a personal injury law firm. I first fell in love with programming when I had the opportunity to learn how to code HTML emails so that they look good in all versions of Outlook.
I completed the Software Engineering bootcamp at Flatiron Schools, where I took a deep dive into Ruby, Rails, React, Redux and JavaScript.
🔭 I’m currently working on LWCs that:
- Use the Docrio and Salesforce APIs to create multiple documents in one go
- Allow management to use historical Salesforce to forecase future performance
- Make API calls to Hubspot to create/update data in the CMS
⚡ Fun fact: My hobbies include crocheting, exploring, geocaching and buying my kid Lego sets so I can put them together.
😄 Pronouns: she/her
📫 How to reach me: