This GitHub Portfolio App is a PyQt5-based desktop application designed to showcase the GitHub portfolio of LoQiseaking69. It provides an interactive and user-friendly interface to view and explore repositories, enhancing the visibility and accessibility of my work.
______________________________________________________________________ ## The unintended outcome...but, if you prefer an easier to use side panel with repo insights for quick views of how my repos are doing, clone normally; otherwise, if you just like the webview, download your flavor of executable below.**
- Profile Overview: Displays key profile information of LoQiseaking69, including followers, following, and total repositories.
- Repository Browser: Browse through LoQiseaking69's repositories in a paginated format.
- Repository Details: View detailed information about each repository, including description, programming language used, forks count, and stars.
- Integrated WebView: Access repositories and the user's GitHub profile directly within the application.
- Custom UI: Styled with a modern and sleek design, featuring custom button styles and a unique favicon.
To run the GitHub Portfolio App on your local machine, follow these steps:
- Python (3.x recommended)
- Git (for cloning the repository)
git clone ''
- PyQt5
- PyQtWebEngine
- requests
- Clone the repository using Git.
- Navigate to the app's directory.
- Install the required dependencies.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the application.
🎉 Enjoy exploring the GitHub portfolio of LoQiseaking69! 🎊