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md-5 edited this page Sep 21, 2012 · 6 revisions

The LogBlock plugin uses permissions to ensure that only certain users are allowed to access commands. Any permissions plugin (such as Bukkit Permissions) that supports superperms is able to be used with LogBlock. Below is a list of all nodes. Additionally, information on the commands can be found on the commands page.

  • logblock.lookup

    Grants user access to /lb lookup (Users can't use their tools without this node!)

  • logblock.rollback

    Grants user access to /lb rollback

  • logblock.clearlog

    Grants user access to /lb clearlog

  • logblock.hide

    Grants user access to /lb hide (This hides all new edits by the user from the log [their edits won't get added to the queue]!)


    Grants user access to /lb tp


    Grants user access to /lb me

  • logblock.ignoreRestrictions

    Grants user access to override all rollback and lookup restrictions

  • logblock.spawnTools

    Grants user access to spawn tools with /lb <tool/toolblock>


    Enables access to the "toolblock" tool


    Enables access to the "tool" lookup tool

  • logblock.* (This grants all nodes below. Only give this to people you absolutely trust! For information on each node please see above)

    • logblock.lookup
    • logblock.rollback
    • logblock.clearlog
    • logblock.hide
    • logblock.ignoreRestrictions
    • logblock.spawnTools