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Import Data Elements

Chantria Tram edited this page Jan 21, 2018 · 5 revisions


  • Learn how to structure and customize a CSV document for the mass import of Data Elements into DHIS2.

Assignment overview:

While it is possible to create many Data Elements manually, one at a time, it is much more expedient to fill out a Data Element configuration sheet on a CSV document, and create many Data Elements through a single import. One limitation of this method is that only Category Options can be mass imported. Categories and Category Combinations must be manually created in DHIS2. Plan ahead when doing a mass import. Category Combinations must be created in the system BEFORE importing Data Elements, in order to fill out the Category Combination UIDs in the config sheet.

Assignment walkthrough video - Import Data Elements


In the Excel document provided, fill in all your Data Elements, to be able to mass import into DHIS2

If you have not downloaded the DHIS2 Curriculum Workbook yet, you can download it here.

Assignment Worksheet


Use the provided excel document.

Save your work and copy your finished document into the Collaboration Space in this notebook.


  • All UIDs given in the example tables below exist in

  • Anything created in the Dev.logicaloutcomes instance should include your initials in the name - e.g. "[name]_NKS".


EXAMPLE: Category Option Worksheet

Name UID Code
Female FFA9e1yIXCT
Male MP15bHaQh2x


EXAMPLE: Category Combination Worksheet

Category Combination UID
Gender VkQPxB6VdoG
After school activity S0FFyqALYgD


EXAMPLE: Data Element Worksheet

Name UID Code Short name Description Form name Domain type Value type Aggregation operator Category combination UID Url Zero is significant Option set Comment option set
Monthly - Pupils receiving school meals WdOdsgKOIRj Pupils receiving meals Number of school-aged children receiving school meals (lunch) as a result of USDA assistance How many pupils received school meals? Aggregate INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE SUM VkQPxB6VdoG TRUE
Monthly - After-school literacy activities held mhIUKjWMPbt After-school activities Number of schools organizing after-school literacy activities as a result of USDA assistance How many after-school literacy activities were held? Aggregate INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE SUM S0FFyqALYgD TRUE
Monthly - Teachers employed d2IYCbKofFd Teachers employed Number of teachers employed How many teachers does this school have? Aggregate INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE SUM TRUE

DHIS2 Curriculum

Volume 1 – Building your instance

The Three Pillars of DHIS2

Organization Units – “The Where”

Data Elements – “The What”

Data Sets – “The When”

Adv. Data Collection – Categories and Option Sets


Volume 2 – Daily use of DHIS2

Data Entry



Volume 3 – Maintaining your instance (admin)


Data Quality

Access and Usability

Volume 4 – Importing and Exporting

Meta-Data Import

Meta-Data Export

Data Import

Data Export

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