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Python-QE API

Some useful tools are listed here for preparing and analyzing DFT calculations using Quantum Espresso. This repository(or repo) contains the following Python scripts:

  •,a collection of functions and classes that transform CIF files into input texts.
  •, a collection of functions that reads output files from QE calculations and write atomic configurations into CIF files
  •, a collection of functions that reads charge density CUBE files, and analyze them using DDEC6 method to give bond order, and overlap population information of arbitrary atomic configurations.
  • a script that prepare sbatch files for individual calculations, and enforce the dependence among different kinds of jobs using pw.x,pp.x,bands.x,dos.x, and pdos.x.
  • a script that prepare sbatch files for individual calculations, and enforce the dependence among different kinds of jobs using pw.x,ph.x,matdyn.x,and q2r.x.

And three jupyter notebooks are inluded to show some examples of using functions in the three script files:

  • pWprep_test.ipynb shows examples of using

  • qe2DDEC_test.ipynb shows examples of using

  • qe2cif_test.ipynb shows examples of using

The sections below are arranged as

Install Python

Due to the variety of Windows/Mac/Linux OS distributions, the arguably easiest way to install Python is to install Anaconda, a distribution of Python 3.7 along with some pre-installed numerical packages (e.g. numpy, and scipy). The complete list of pre-installed packages in anaconda can be found here.

  • For installation instruction on Windows OS, click here.
  • For installation instruction on Mac OS, click here.

Once you installed Anaconda, open the Anaconda Navigator by finding it in your start navigation or in search bar. And the initial GUI looks like the picture shown below:


Now click the install button below jupyter notebook. Jupyter notebook provides an intuitive way to write and inteprete your Python code as we shall see later.

Install Packages

We need to install ASE package (check the documentation here) in your Anaconda distribution. To do so, click the Environment in the navigator shown above to get


  1. If ASE is not installed, you can find it by navigating to the drop-down menu Not installed and then searching for ASE:


  1. Select the package you want to install, and click Apply in the popup window.
  2. Now you can use ASE in your python code.

To use jupyter notebook, we simply open Anaconda Navigation and click the jupyter icon. Your browser will start automatically and show the following GUI:


You can start by creating a folder with the New drop-down menu:


The name of your new folder will be Untitled folder but you can always change its name later. We now open Untitled folder in jupyter to arrive at the following interface:


Create a Python 3 notebook and open it to get


where the command window in green rectangle is the current active window. Let's write a simple command and run it using shift+enter combo:


From the picture above, we know that

  • Jupyter notebook create new empty command window below the previously active window
  • The output of the previously active window shows up right before the current active window.

Compile Quantum Espresso

In this section we provide a way to compile Quantum Espresso on normal university-level computation platform, with and without external libraries. The file system for each individual user is run on a Linux system with an access to home folder.

Without libxc

  • Create a folder dft in your home folder
  • Enter new folder cd dft
  • Download newest QE package here to your personal computer, then upload the downloaded tar.gz file to dft folder using FileZilla or similar software.
  • Run tar -xvf qe-XXXX.tgz to unzip the source files in dft\qe-X.Y.Z where X,Y, and Z are version numbers.
  • Load required compiling modules by module load gcc/7.2.0, module load openmpi/4.0.5-gcc-7.2.0, make sure these versions of the two packages match each other!!!

As of April 7,2021, compiling quantum espresso using intel package does not evoke fftw package, while lfftw is automatically loaded when quantum espresso is compiled with gcc.

  • cd qe-X.Y.Zto get into source folder
  • If you're running QE on slurm system, you might want to add MANUAL_DFLAGS = -D__ISO_C_BINDING in file to avoid data parsing error
  • Configure source files by running ./configure -enable-parallel
  • Compile make all

With Libxc

Important Note: Some exchange-correlation functionals in Libxc are not well-tested for all classes of materials. Make sure you know what you're doing if you want to use Libxc with QE.

  • Install libxc using autotool: (1) Download libxc here (2) Upload the tar.gz file to dft folder (3) Unzip the file by using tar -xvf libxc-x.y.z.tar.gz, where x,y, and z are version numbers again (4) Run the following command(no change is needed):

./configure --prefix=PATH/TO/LIBXC


make check

make install

  • Configure QE (Notice that you might need to change module version below)

cd qe-X.Y.Z/

module load gcc openmpi(you can also use intel package to compile QE, but using gcc+openmpi is generally safer)

./configure -enable-parallel

  • Change file and make

(1) open the file in the folder qe-X.Y.Z using nano

(2) change the DFLAGS line into DFLAGS = -D__DFTI -D__LIBXC -D__MPI

(3) add -I/path/to/libxc/include/ to IFLAGS

(4) set LD_LIBS=-L/path/to/libxc/lib/ -lxcf90 -lxc if error happens during the compilation process, replace -lxcf90 with -lxcf03

(5) If libxc verstion<5.0, xc_f03 must be repalced with xc_f90 everywhere in the following files: funct.f90, xc_lda_lsda_drivers.f90, xc_gga_drivers.f90, xc_mgga_drivers.f90, dmxc_drivers.f90 and dgcxc_drivers.f90 in Modules folder and xctest_qe_libxc.f90 in PP/src folder.

(6) save the file, and run make all

Set up file system ready for DFT calculation

  1. create a folder at /home/ named as /pseudo/ to store your pseudopotential files
  2. Download full-element pseudopotential package. My personal favorite is GBRV Pseudopotential. Other good resources are Pseudo Dojo, and SSSP on Material cloud.
  3. Before you upload your pseudopotential files onto computation platform, it is recommended to change your commonly-used pseudopotentials' name into a format of X.upf, with X being the element symbol. Below is what my pseudo folder looks like pseudo-folder

where rVV10_kernel_table and vdW_kernel_table are generated by runing the generate_rVV10_kernel_table.x and generate_vdW_kernel_table.x in the /PW/src subfolder of your QE installation. You will use them when you have strong van der Waals' interactions in your atomic system. 4. The outdir option in your input file should always be "/home/netID/scratch/"+unique name to your calculation case. If your .in files have unique names, sets the outdir to be /home/netID/scratch/+ your input file name automatically.

Scratch is a temporary storage space that saves your output files for at most 30 days. Make sure you transfer your data after the calculations are done.

  1. Create a inputdir folder to store all your input file. In the same folder, create shortcuts to your QE executables by using the following command(in your inputdir folder):
  • ln -s /path/to/qe/installation/PW/src/pw.x pw.x
  • ln -s /path/to/qe/installation/PP/src/pp.x pp.x
  • ln -s /path/to/qe/installation/PP/src/dos.x dos.x
  • ln -s /path/to/qe/installation/PP/src/projwfc.x projwfc.x

We use symbolic links to avoid complicated path when we run DFT calculations.

Submit Calculation jobs

The in the folder run_cases_script prepares SBATCH files for batch job submission on computation platform running on slurm system(e.g. campuscluster). It generates SBATCH files for all the .in files in your inputdir folder. It changes executable command based on the names of input files. Similarly, preparaes SBATCH files for phonon-related calculations using ph.x,dynmat.x, and q2r.x. The complete rules for running QE according to are listed below:

  • If the file is named as without symbol of _, ask the system to run the command of mpirun ./pw.x -in > xxxx.out

  • If _pp is in the name of a .in file, ask the system to run the command of mpirun ./pp.x -in > xxxx_pp.out

  • If _dos is in the name of a .in file, ask the system to run the command of ./dos.x -in > xxxx_dos.out

  • If _pdos is in the name of a .in file, ask the system to run the command of ./projwfc.x -in > xxxx_pdos.out.

A typical sbatch file is shown below:



  1. #SBATCH N 4 and #SBATCH n 14 set number of computation nodes and total number of CPU cores you want to use for the calculation.

as of April 7, 2021, the slurm system running on HPC platform allows users to specify number of cpu cores only. You might consider delete command of #SBATCH N 4 as it might cause slot allocation errors

  1. #SBATCH --partition=xxxx choose your job queue (the queue can be eng-research or secondary) if you are using NCSA campuscluster at UIUC.

  2. #SBATCH --time=04:00:00 tells the system to kill your job after some time (the job will be killed after 1 hr in this case). The maximum walltime is 4hrs.(If you have a large job that takes more than 4hrs to finish, try to use restart_mode in input file, see pwPrep_test.ipynb)

  3. #SBATCH --job-name="scf-rlx" gives a name for your job(the name is scf-rlx in this case).

  4. module load python/3 loads necessary package for your jobs.

  5. cd /home/yourID/inputdir is required for the system to find your links to pw.x, pp.x etc.

!!! The workflow for running calculations

  1. Upload all your input files to inputdir folder
  2. Make sure is also in the inputdir folder and load python3 module by module load python/3.

Please use on NCSA campuscluster and use on expanse@XSEDE. If you don't have access to none of these HPC platform, you might consider modify to fit your needs.

  1. Run by python3 This is a piece of interactive code, and it will ask you several questions before it generates sbatch files. The questions are shown in the picture blow.


The last question shown above is asking to which queue you want to submit your jobs to. If you're an engineering student at UIUC, you may type beckman, eng-research or secondary(a common queue for everybody). After these questions, the code will spite out the names of input files and sbatch files. The interaction with is slightly different. It will ask you one more question like the picture shown below. If your answer to the last question is larger than 2, the code will create job-array command to run ph.x-related job repeatedly. For some reason, job-array is at its beta version on slurm system, so some mysterious computation errors might occur.


  1. Many sbatch files should be created now, run ./serialjob in your command line to submit all your jobs.
  2. Wait till ./serialjob command finishes and use squeue -u yourNetID to check the status of your jobs.
  3. Jobs with C status are finished or they are running out of the walltime. Jobs with R are running, and jobs with PD status are still pending in the queue.
  4. Once all your calculations are done, download your data and use the functions in or to start your analysis.

Useful command for running jobs on a slurm system

  1. scancel JOBID for canceling a job using its job id.
  2. squeue -u usrID for checking your job status using your userID
  3. squeue -u usrID -p xxxxx for checking your job status on partition xxxxx
  4. sbatch xxxx.sbatch submit a job using a sbatch file
  5. sbatch --exclude cccc xxxxx.sbatch submit a job by avoiding using node cccc

Useful scripts for running batch jobs on a slurm system

Submitting a large number of jobs at the same time can be messy. Platform configuration errors could happen at anytime, resulting in mysterious termination and unfinished jobs. If you want to keep everything organized, you might want to use the scripts provided in the folder workflow_scripts. If you want to know more or change these scripts, you will get a better idea about them by reading the summary at the top of each scripts. A recommended workflow for running large batch of jobs on HPC platform is shown in the flowchart below.


Navigation of the Repo

Important note: Please pay attention to the comment lines starting with !!! in the code. Those lines tell you how to change the code if you're using different pseudopotential or you are using it in different operating system environment.

  • pwPrep_test.ipynb shows the examples of using to

(1) Update options in input files

(2) Prepare input files for pw.x,dos.x, and projwfc.x

  • qe2DDEC.ipynb shows the examples of using to

(1) prepare job_control.txt to initialize DDEC6 analysis

(2) run DDEC6 binary executable in a pythonic way

(3) extract useful infomation from the analyses, e.g. overlap population, bond orders

  • qe2cif.ipynb shows the examples of using to

(1) read atomic configurations from QE outputs

(2) save relaxed atomic configurations in a cif format

(3) adjust atoms' info using ASE

  • workflow_scripts folder contains scripts for

(1) Preparing SBATCH file for each job,

(2) Creating bash script serialjob that submit various kinds of jobs by complying their dependency,

(3) Checking integrity of output files and categorying their names into complete.txt,restart.txt, and modify.txt,

(4) Modifying settings in input files, and

(5) Removing output files listed in restart.txt.


Please cite our paper if you decide to use our code for your research:

[1] Liu, Sizhe, and Kyle C. Smith. "Intercalated Cation Disorder in Prussian Blue Analogues: First-Principles and Grand Canonical Analyses." The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123.16 (2019): 10191-10204.

If you end up using our, please cite the following papers too:

[2] T. A. Manz and N. Gabaldon Limas, “Introducing DDEC6 atomic population analysis: part 1. Charge partitioning theory and methodology,” RSC Adv., 6 (2016) 47771-47801.

[3] N. Gabaldon Limas and T. A. Manz, “Introducing DDEC6 atomic population analysis: part 2. Computed results for a wide range of periodic and nonperiodic materials,” RSC Adv., 6 (2016) 45727-45747.


An API btw Quantum ESPRESSO and Python






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