Releases: LouisMazel/maz-ui
Releases · LouisMazel/maz-ui
🩹 Fixes
- maz-ui: MazPicker - js errors while lazy loading of children components (7a75f72f4)
❤️ Contributors
- LouisMazel
🚀 Enhancements
- maz-ui: MazAnimatedCounter - add an option to replay or not the animation when the component is visible again (6b392802a)
- maz-ui: MazAnimatedText - add an option to replay or not the animation when the component is visible again (a293456d4)
- maz-ui: MazAnimatedElement - add an option to replay or not the animation when the component is visible again (2f2b27a2b)
- maz-ui: MazCircularProgressBar - add an option to replay or not the animation when the component is visible again (345b9c7bc)
🩹 Fixes
- maz-ui: MazSlider - remove warning log when component is not visible (912c2b4f0)
💅 Refactors
- docs: Add screenshot of demonstrations for mobile and tablet (87327704c)
- maz-ui: MazTable - use inputSize for pagination button to fit with input size (b5701b0cd)
🏡 Chore
- deps: Upgrade dependencies (f5899b67c)
❤️ Contributors
- LouisMazel
🩹 Fixes
- maz-ui: Add hash to css files to avoid overriding (09e7a35a8)
📖 Documentation
- Update README (0a50bf1f8)
🏡 Chore
- deps: Upgrade dependencies (bb218e371)
❤️ Contributors
- LouisMazel
💅 Refactors
- maz-ui: MazAnimateCounter - make it SSR friendly (6187cc2b0)
❤️ Contributors
- LouisMazel
🩹 Fixes
- maz-ui: MazAnimateCounter - animation on mobile browsers (984ec3731)
📖 Documentation
- Add demonstrations on home page (4aeb5ca58)
❤️ Contributors
- LouisMazel
🚀 Enhancements
- maz-ui: MazCheckList - add search-function option to replace the default search function (053b3a1d8)
- maz-ui: MazSelect - add search-function option to replace the default search function (32aa42d81)
- maz-ui: MazAnimatedElement: new component to animated elements (e26e2e214)
- maz-ui: MazAnimatedText: new component to animated text (7878ce9ad)
- maz-ui: MazAnimatedCounter - add delay option to run the animation (b274ff63b)
💅 Refactors
- nuxt-module: Add import prefix to avoid conflicts with other libs or existing modules (d37120bdc)
- maz-ui: Theme - change the contrast color (used by text) of success color to improve contrast ratio (97708bd76)
- maz-ui: MazBtn - remove the default font-weight on button text (f166d2d98)
📖 Documentation
- Documentation improvement of @mazui/cli (e513cbda7)
- New hero section of maz-ui documentation (6edd6669c)
✅ Tests
- maz-ui: MazSelect - fix search tests (c4a3acfd2)
❤️ Contributors
- LouisMazel
🩹 Fixes
- maz-ui: MazDialog - add padding to bottom when no footer (1a774556a)
❤️ Contributors
- LouisMazel
🩹 Fixes
- maz-ui: MazPhoneNumberInput - generate type definition file (bab1b0139)
🏡 Chore
- Improve changelogen script (2d7bb4b98)
❤️ Contributors
- LouisMazel
💅 Refactors
- Rename all tailwind CSS variables to avoid conflicts with other libraries using Tailwind too (#1182)
🏡 Chore
- Improve changelogen script (2d7bb4b98)
- Upgrade dependencies
❤️ Contributors
- LouisMazel
🚀 Enhancements
- maz-ui: Add new CSS variables - maz-bg-color-dark-dark, maz-bg-color-dark-darker, maz-bg-color-light-dark and maz-bg-color-dark-darker (a6b653042)
- maz-ui: MazInput - add new options: topLabel (label above the input) and assistiveText (text below the input) (9ac994c75)
- maz-ui: MazTextarea - add new prop options: padding (bool), transparent, border (bool), roundedSize. add slots: label and append (with appendJustify props) (986dcf5d9)
- maz-ui: MazTextarea - make it a generic component (54669c454)
- maz-ui: VToolip - add offset option (50fd5dc34)
- maz-ui: UseFormValidator - expose the onBlur method (cc66cffbd)
- maz-ui: Not apply reset CSS globally (#1180)
🩹 Fixes
- maz-ui: MazDialogPromise - cancelText and confirmText display by default in the button if provided (1b6c09289)
- maz-ui: UseFormValidator - not required property in partial model in the schema (69b42dae1)
- maz-ui: MazPhoneNumberInput - the phone number should be displayed on mount (10ec4a6e1)
- maz-ui: MazPhoneNumberInput - country switching and formatting number (65e131836)
- maz-ui: MazPhoneNumberInput - fix some errors with formatted phone numbers (2c51fee59)
💅 Refactors
- maz-ui: V-fullscreen-img - improve animation behavior and UX (81c9596b5)
- maz-ui: MazTable - make it a generic component (TS) (276cf7fbc)
- maz-ui: Toaster - use primary color for message toast for the progress bar (9074b70a1)
- maz-ui: MazLink - href is undefined by default (fe3be6bba)
- maz-ui: MazTable - add data row into the actions slot (cef169c8a)
- maz-ui: UseFormValidator - TS improvements: a non required key in model should not required in input schema (c146c100c)
- maz-ui: MazSelect - not stop enter key event (to submit form) (3c9e276ca)
- maz-ui: MazChecklist - item slot share all item payload (a2a9e0bd6)
- maz-ui: MazDropdown - add dropdownIcon prop to replace the icon (993c27870)
- maz-ui: MazDropdown - add dropdownIconAnimation to disable the icon animation on open (e4354e54c)
- maz-ui: Reduce hydration warnings from Nuxt (use CSS variables instead of v-bind in style) (9fc1f556f)
- maz-ui: MazTable - remove truncate prop option and add scrollable option (117a4390a)
- maz-ui: MazBtn - use space-between, space-around and space-evenly instead of between, around, evenly for justify options (6e1782da2)
- maz-ui: MazBtn, MazAvatar, MazBadge, MazInput, MazTable: CSS - not apply a border radius to 0 when rounded-size is none to let the dev set his own border-radius without important (5a330786e)
- maz-ui: UseLanguageDisplayNames - add all languages codes (BCP 47 & ISO 639 1) ad delete getAllPossibleLanguages (151f3fd49)
- maz-ui: MazCircularProgressBar - Add options to control the auto-color states (14f1fe2f9)
- maz-ui: VClosable - improve excluded element dectection (36af1ed32)
- maz-ui: MazBackdrop - improve behavior and UX for MazDialog, MarDrawer and MazBottomSheet (84f7a1cab)
🏡 Chore
- deps: Upgrade dependencies (7d246fd6a)
🎨 Styles
- maz-ui: MazInputTags - tags button sizes (bdee7f93f)
❤️ Contributors
- Mazel
- LouisMazel