A little java/python project for using a Beamer as Laser over sACN
DMX-Footprint • Modes • Macros
The compiled Programm takes the universe 98 and has 5 Objects
You can control multiple Objects. For this you can change the amount
integer in the Java. It defines your objects. (Each Object takes 10 adresses)
01: Background R
02: Background G
03: Background B
04: Macro => //TODO: Not done yet.
05: Macro-Speed => //TODO: Not done yet. Footprint is 10
01: Mode => Modes listed under #Modes
02: Dimmer
03: x-Position
04: y-Position
05: x-Size
06: y-Size
07: Rotation
08: R
09: G
10: B
11: Effect options => Options listed under #Effect Options
12: Shutter => //TODO: Not done yet. Footprint is 11
0: OFF
1: Horizontal Line
2: Vertical Line
3: Rectangle
4: Oval
5: Poly Line
6: Image
7: Arc
1: NGK-Logo
2: NGK (Written)
3: FMT
Comming soon