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Contains configuration files and installation instructions for the configuration of a new ubuntu machine.

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Setup file for new installation of Ubuntu

This file contains all the steps required to setup a nice Ubuntu environment with all the correct tools.

Author: Luke Tonin

Install The Silver Searcher AG

This allows to search the contents of files. It is used by Fuzzy Finder.

sudo apt-get install silversearcher-ag

Useful commands

ag "regex pattern"
-g flag only returns filenames. -G "regex" only looks in files with "regex" in the name.

Install Fuzzy Finder

git clone --depth 1 ~/.fzf

Install Tmux

sudo apt-get install tmux

Copy .tmux.conf file to the home directory (i.e ~)

Useful commands

Ctrl-b : This tells tmux to expect a tmux command.
Ctrl-b : : This allows to enter a text based tmux command.
Ctrl-b c: Open new tmux window.
Ctrl-b n: Move to next tmux window.
Ctrl-b p: Move to previous tmux window.
Ctrl-b %: Split current pane vertically.
Ctrl-b ": Split current pane horizontally.
Ctrl-b z: Toggle between zooming and dezooming current pane.
Ctrl-b x: Close current pane.
Ctrl-b &: Close current window.
Ctrl-b !: Break current pane from its window and place it into a new window.
Ctrl-b Alt-5: Reorganise panes in a reasonable way. Ctrl-b space: Toggle between different pane organisations. Ctrl-b :join-pane -t :0 -{vh} : Join current pane to another window horizontally or vertically.

Install Neovim

Warning : neovim is in ubuntu repositories only since 18.04. For earlier versions of Ubuntu, neovim can be downloaded from a PPA.

sudo apt-get install neovim

Install neovim plugin manager (and curl)

sudo apt-get install curl
curl -fLo ~/.local/share/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \

Copy neovim configuration (init.vim) to ~/.config/nvim/init.vim

Install plugins decribed in init.vim with :PlugInstall

Useful commands

From normal mode

: : The colon is used to enter a vim command.
:w : Save current file.
:x : Save and close current file.
:q : Close file without saving.
number f key: find the number next occurence of key (e.g f m finds next occurence of letter m in the file.)
number w: Jump to beginning of next number word.
gi: restart insert mode in the last insert point used before exiting insert mode.

... Search the internet for useful vim/nvim commands.

Configure .bashrc

Copy .bashrc file to home directory (i.e ~)

Useful commands

Ctrl-z : Suspend current process. fg : Awake suspended process.

Install VSCode

Find lastest installation instructions on the internet.

Useful VSCode plugins

  • Vim - vscodevim
  • GitLens
  • Python
  • Pyright
  • Docker - Microsoft

A full list of plugins can be found in the vscode directory of this repo. To start vscode with those extensions run:

cat vscode-extensions.list | xargs -L 1 code --install-extension

Add VSCode settings

Copy the settings.json file in the vscode directory into: ~/.config/Code/User

VScode with vscodevim plugin.

See useful settings for vscode in the vscode/settings.json file. ** Example commands: **

  • <space> <space> s <any-key>: find any key in the currently open file (this is an easymotion funcitonality.)
  • <ctrl+j> or <ctrl+k>: Switch between left and right tab in VScode.

Install miniconda

Find latest installation instructions on the internet.

Install the Gnome extension to have a system monitor toolbar

The current best way to install is through the software center. The app is named "system-monitor" and has a sub name "GNOME Shell Extension". The website of the extension is: The github page describes a few dependencies that might need to be installed.

Add vimium extension to chromium browser:


Contains configuration files and installation instructions for the configuration of a new ubuntu machine.






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