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How to achieve a resilient no-js app using only JavaScript


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A no-js app with React and Redux

No-JS ?

  • Write a web app in full JavaScript
  • Works without JavaScript.


An app that will be :

  • Using different server side rendering techniques
  • JS server + client = DRY

Samuel Bouchet

Freelance - JavaScript developer and architect


Overview of the architecture


Client side rich application

Improve User Experience (dynamic features, fast, offline)


Server side rendering

note: mode single page application full client

Improve User Experience (First display is earlier) Only if (server time to render) < (client time to download + time to init)

SEO (everybody says that so it must be true)

(+) Reduce the server network load (less requests if data is pre-fetched and cached server side) note: allowed by, but not inheritent to, ssr

(+) Improve the user experience (provide the service server side if the client cannot)

  • Before load
  • Compatibility fallback
  • People that disable js on purpose
  • Robots that can perform actions for people (assistance, delegated use, integration tests) note: for older browers (ie6, ie7, ie8, olders android, windows phones) You might even want to ship an es6 app


  • Force you to create proper forms / html components / links
  • Accessibility tools can perform actions by querying the server

integration ex: superagent (Cf. conf Alvin Berthelot)

(+) Resilience

  • Support server overload / fails by serving a static prerendered (from CDN, nginx, etc.)
  • Support client fail (inclusiveness, client app js error)
  • Both fails = still a static page that indicate that interactions are currently unavailable.
    • Best experience is top-notch and Worst experience is decent


  • Shipped an app in production that showcase a google map + timed events


  • Confidential Article written in 2016-01 without the static part



  • with js
  • without js
  • with js then a crash
  • without server with js
  • without server without js


  • with js
  • without js
  • with js then a crash
  • without server with js
  • without server without js


  • with js
  • without js
  • with js then a crash
  • without server with js
  • without server without js

Building the app

Starting point

"create-react-app" = no SSR, hacky to add

"nwb" = no SSR, hacky to add


  • = ok for an universal starter
  • /!\ Too much magic = lost of control, could do what I want

"next.js" = Didn't try (discovered too late) but could do = Add a complex frame around the projet

"enter your boilerplate here" = Does too many things = Miss some points, and because it does so many things the complexity is a real obstacle

From scratch

The most basic server-side rendering

Install NodeJS latest stable

Install express

npm install --save-dev express

+ src/server.js
+ src/client/index.js
+ package.json

package.json :

"scripts": {
  "start" : "node src/server.js"

client/index.js :

document.getElementById('root').innerHTML =
 "I'm client rendered ! with dynamic interactions !"

server.js :

  `<div id="root">
  I'm server rendered ! with static interactions !
  <script src="index.js" />`

Getting serious

Server side counter

npm install --save shortid cookie-parser

server.js :


app.get('*', function(req, res) {
  .then(sessionData => {
    // init store
    const store = createInitialStore(sessionData)

    if (!counter.selectors.isInitialized(store.getState().counter)) {
    // save session state
    const sessionid = req.cookies.session || shortid.generate()
    setSession(sessionid, store.getState())
    // return response
    res.cookie('session', sessionid, { 
      maxAge : SESSION_DURATION, 
      secure : process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development', 
      httpOnly : true


Interesting example because force to use a session system. Ex: Redis, PouchDB

app/component/CounterDemo.js :

class CounterDemo extends React.PureComponent {

  componentDidMount() {
    this.interval = setInterval(this.forceUpdate.bind(this), 1000)

  componentWillUnmount() {

  render() {/* … */}
function mapStateToProps(state) {/* … */}
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(CounterDemo)

class CounterDemo extends React.PureComponent {
  componentDidMount() { /* … */}
  componentWillUnmount() { /* … */}
  render() {
    const intro = 'I\'m server rendered with react'
    if (this.props.hasStaticInteractions) 
      return <div>{intro}. Service is currently down, try again later !</div>

    const count = this.props.isCounterInitialized ? 
      Math.floor(( - this.props.counterStart) / 1000) : ''
    return (
          Counting: {count} (test reload number : 40) 
          {this.props.hasServerInteractions === true && <Reload />} ! 
          with {this.props.interactions} interactions !

function mapStateToProps(state) {/* … */}
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(CounterDemo)

class CounterDemo extends React.PureComponent {
  componentDidMount() {/* … */}
  componentWillUnmount() {/* … */}
  render() {/* … */}

function mapStateToProps(state) {
  return {
    counterStart          : counter.selectors.getCounterStart(state.counter),
    isCounterInitialized  : counter.selectors.isInitialized(state.counter),
    hasStaticInteractions : interactions.selectors.isStatic(state.interactions),
    hasServerInteractions : interactions.selectors.isServer(state.interactions),
    interactions          : interactions.selectors.getInteractions(state.interactions)

export default connect(mapStateToProps)(CounterDemo)

server side openstreetmap

+ MapPage.js            -- Open Layer dynamic loading
+ MapList.js            -- Side list
+ MyMap.js              -- Layout / coordinator
+ olHelpers.js          -- manipulation of the Open Layer API
+ OLMap.js              -- Wrapper of the Open Layer imperative plugin
+ SelectionPopup.js     -- Description of the selection
+ umapDataSelectors.js  -- manipulation of the raw data

MapPage.js :

class MapPage extends React.PureComponent {
  constructor() {/* … */}
  componentDidMount() {/* … */}
  render() {
    return <div>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css"/>
        <script defer src="" type="text/javascript"/>
      <MyMap ol={this.state.openLayerLibrary} />


injected in component to remove the "global" use

MapPage.js :

class MapPage extends React.PureComponent {
    constructor() {
      this.state = {
        openLayerLibrary : MapPage.openLayerLibrary
    componentDidMount() {
      if (this.state.openLayerLibrary === null) {
        whenAvailable('ol').then((ol) => {
          MapPage.openLayerLibrary = ol
          this.setState({ openLayerLibrary : ol })
    render() {/* … */}


  • client side only
  • loaded on demand to lighten the initial build


render() { return (
      <FilterBar />
      <div className="pos-a">
        <OLMap umapData={}
               popupContainer={this.state.popupContainer} />
            registerPopupContainer={this.registerPopupContainer} />
      <MapList umapData={} />
export default withData(dataURL.umapData)(MyMap)


  • Removed CSS and stuff for clarity
  • SelectionPopup is aside OLMap for server rendering, but used by OLMap. => popupContainer reference
  • withData is universal, auto fetching OR from cache
    • client side : fetch on mount if the data is not loaded
    • server side : specific instruction to hydrate cache
  • Possible to connect each of the 3 components instead of MyMap. But withData too raw.

OLMap.js :

componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
    if (prevProps.umapData !== this.props.umapData
      || prevProps.filter !== this.props.filter
      || prevProps.ol !== this.props.ol
      || prevState.mapContainer !== this.state.mapContainer) {
    if (prevProps.selectedFeature !== this.props.selectedFeature) {


  • declarative to imperative programming. Listen to changes and react.

OLMap.js :

import generateStaticMapURL from 'server/generateStaticMapURL'
// …
render() {
    const { umapData, filter } = this.props
    let mapURL = 'assets/mapPlaceholder.png'
    if (generateStaticMapURL && filter !== '') {
      mapURL = generateStaticMapURL(umapData.layers, filter)
    return (
      <div ref={this.setMapContainer}>
        <img src={mapURL} height="auto"/>


  • server/generateStaticMapURL will be null client side (webpack alias)
    • because fallback server side only
    • remove unused dependencies by the client
    • use mapbox service, public token currently not hidden. TODO: proxy server side that append token.

MapList.js (button) :

<form method="GET" action="">
    <button type={isStatic ? 'button' : 'submit'} 
            name="filter" value={} 
            onClick={(e) => setFeature(e,}>
      {} - {}
      {isStatic && <div className="pt-1 d-n d-b:parent-focus">


  • button :
    • handle a click client side
    • submit a filter with dynamic interactions
    • only take focus with static interactions
    • Have a description on focus with static interactions

SelectionPopup.js :

setPopupContainer(container) {
  const register = this.props.registerPopupContainer
  if (register) register(container)
render() { 
    const selection = getSelection(this.props)
    return (
    <div className="pos-a bgc-1 p-1 bd-2" ref={this.setPopupContainer}
           display     : selection != null ? 'block' : 'none',
           left        : `calc(50% - 160px)`,
           bottom      : this.props.isDynamic ? 42 : `calc(50% + 44px)`,
           width       : 320,
           borderColor : getColor(this.props) }}>
    <strong>{selection &&}</strong>
    <div>{selection && selection.description}</div>


  • setPopupContainer : way to transmit a dom reference to a brother (via parent)
  • isDynamic : container = OL map
  • isServer or isStatic : container = parent div the surround the map
  • CSS design atomic

going further

  • Make the app work fully offline
    • real-time synchronization of Redux store using PouchDB
    • tabs and devices states are synchronized (not necessary navigation)
    • the app can go offline then synchronise back with custom conflict resolution where needed

  • Make a generic server that automatically performs actions when client side js is disabled
    • Act as a front-end proxy
    • Ie. would use a pattern matching on url to dispatch any action

  • Using static server by default for best performances and fallback on interactive server when needed.



How to achieve a resilient no-js app using only JavaScript







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