developed by M-R-Vulcan Team
- clone this repository
- cd ~/Aruco_ws/src/aruco_tf/src/src/
- pip3 install -r requirements.txt
./ < room number >
for example: "./ 1"
change the following parameters:
#folder that contains the scripts from this repository:
- SCRIPTS_PATH="/home/USER/Aruco_ws/src/aruco_tf/src/src"
#folder that contains the launchfiles:
- LAUNCH_FILE_PATH="/home/USER/Aruco_ws/src/aruco_tf/src/launch"
#folder that contains the recordings - with movement:
- RESULTS_FOLDER_PATH="/home/USER/recording-results/With_Movement/"
#folder that contains the recordings - baseline:
- BASELINE_FOLDER_PATH="/home/USER/recording-results/Baseline/"
#temporary folder
- TEMP_FOLDER_PATH="/home/USER/temp"
#aruco ids that were used in the recording
- run the script ""
RVIZ Display configuration:
- Add TF
- change Global Frame > room_link
DatasetFix script:
after getting the csv files from its suggested to run "".
how to use:
- change the main_dir_path to the folder that contains all of the rooms(need to have a csv file called "dataset_room_X_pcap_X.csv" and a yaml file for the specific room)
- run the script(python3), enter the room number and pcap number of the specific '.csv' file.
- the script will fix:
- one place labels(for example: "walking", "walking", "sitting", "DO_NOT_USE" -> change "sitting"->"DO_NOT_USE")
- replace all "DO_NOT_USE" labels to "Nan" -> changes the xyz to "Nan" as well, in most of the cases it solves the next step.
- read the yaml file and return to the user all the points that are out of the room(if there are any).
- replace all the points where the "z" is higher than 1.64 to "Nan" (usually happens in the ending of a movement)
- creates a new csv file under the name of the csv that used and renames the used csv to _old.csv
Record ROS and display frames
- $ rosrun tf view_frames
- $ evince frames.pdf