Singularity to register a structural atlas to the diffusion space of a subject
author: Michael Kim
v1.3: Now runs properly with -e --contain
v1.2: Included EVE3 labels and the MNI/JHU templates inside the simg. Now, you can specify an option for whether you want to run MNI or EVE3 registration without providing the specific inputs for these. Still able to use own if you want.
v1.1: Added output PN
Depending on the version of numpy, you might get the error:
next_arr = _load_from_filelike(
TypeError: control character 'delimiter' cannot be a newline (`\r` or `\n`).
To alleviate, downgrade to an earlier version of numpy
EDIT: this should be fixed now
-Possibly options
-just calculating the transforms and not applying them
-only keeping certain outputs
-have the outputs more organized than just in one outputs folder
-checks to make sure that the inputs are correct and the output directory is valid as well
singularity run -B /path/to/inputs/:/INPUTS -B /path/to/outputs:/OUTPUTS WMAtlas.simg (or whatever the singularity image is called)
Atlases you want to register
-must have "Atlas_" at the beginning of the filename, followed by the atlas name
-i.e. "Atlas_JHU_MNI_WMPM_Type_I.nii.gz"
-Name of the Atlas is then "JHU_MNI_WMPM_Type_I"
Labels for each Atlas in the inputs
-the corresponding labels must be named: "Labels_<Atlas_Name>.txt"
-if we use the atlas above, the label file should be called "Labels_JHU_MNI_WMPM_Type_I.txt"
-the label files should have the following structure:
#INTENSITY/Integer_label Region_Of_Interest_Name
0 Background
1 Superior_Parietal_Lobule_left
2 Cingulate_Gyrus_left
3 Middle_Frontal_Gyrus_left
- In other words, each line should have an intensity value of the labelmap and the corresponding name of the label delimited by a space
- The first line of the text file should be the background with intensity of zero
- The names if the ROIs in the labelmap should not contain any spaces: the only spaces should be between the intensity and corresponding ROI name
Structural Template that the atlases are in the space of
-needs to be named "template.nii.gz"
-if it is not named this you can specify so by adding the following option in the singularity call:
singularity run -B ...:/INPUTS -B ...:/OUTPUTS -B /path/to/the/template/:/INPUTS/template.nii.gz WMAtlas
Structural T1 scan of the subject
-needs to be named "t1.nii.gz"
-like with the template, can specify an additional line if it is not named so:
"-B /path/to/t1:/INPUTS/t1.nii.gz"
-CANNOT already be skull stripped
Diffusion data for the subject (dwmri scan, bval, bvec)
-Name can be whatever you want, but they must all have the same name
-i.e if the name you want to give it is "dwmri"
-note that all outputs will use this name you provide
T1 segmentation from SLANT (optional)
-needs to be named "T1_seg.nii.gz"
-can technically also be a brain mask
-like with the template, can specify an additional line if it is not named so:
"-B /path/to/t1:/INPUTS/T1_seg.nii.gz"
-If this input is not included, then fsl's bet will be used for the brain extraction and the mask (not recommended)
- the transformations
- see below in Notes for how to use them yourself
-the registered atlases
- <dwiname>%<atlas_name>.nii.gz
-skull stripped t1 and the extracted b0
-diffusion scalar maps
-e.g. <dwiname>%fa.nii.gz
-the single shell dwi and its bval/bvec files
-the csv file containing the calculations
- T1 is registered to the template using ANTs to obtain both the affine and nonlinear transformations
- T1 is skull stripped and b0 is extracted
- Transformation from diffusion to t1 space is calculated using FSL
- FSL transformations are converted to ANTs format using c3d
- Atlases are registered to diffusion space using the transforms
- The first shell diffusion scans are extracted from the dwi file
- FA, MD, AD, RD maps are calculated from the first shell
- Mean and std dev are calculated for the diffusion metrics for each ROI for each atlas and placed in a csv file
-all imaging files provided are gzpied niftis (.nii.gz)
-the bvals/bvecs are iun FSL format (can be otherwise, but not guaranteed to work)
-the dwi data have already been preprocessed for distortion correction, to remove noise, artifacts, etc.
-the t1 is NOT skull stripped
if you would like to apply the transformations yourself, this is the following ANTs command to do so:
antsApplyTransforms -d 3 -i <atlas_file> -r <b0_file> -n NearestNeighbor
-t <t1_to_b0_transform> -t [<t1_to_template_affine_transform>,1]
-t <t1_to_template_inv_warp> -o <output_file_name>-t1_to_b0 tranform is called ...%ANTS_t1tob0.txt -t1_to_template_affine is called ...%0GenericAffine.mat -t1_to_template_inv_warp is called ...%1InverseWarp.nii.gz -do not have to use the b0 as reference, can use anything in the diffusion space (like the FA map)
to move something from diffusion space into the template space, use a similar call, but reverse the order of the transformations
-additionally, you must use the inverse of the transformations applied