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New Unity ML-Agents Team-based MARL environments: Hide & Seek and Predator-Prey. Used in the paper "FCSP: Fictitious Co-Self-Play for Team-based Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning"

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ML-Agents Hide and Seek


Hide and seek is an asymmetric cooperative-competitive environment for Unity ML-Agents framework. The agents are divided into two teams: hiders and seekers. The goal of seekers is to maintain a line of sight on hiders, while the goal of hiders is to remain hidden throughout the game. The environment supports the predator-prey gameplay variant, where the goal of seekers is to capture hiders instead of simply having a line of sight on them. This repository was used for training and evaluation in the upcoming paper FCSP: Fictitious Co-Self-Play for Team-based Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning (preprint available on request).


The project was made using Unity 2021.3.10f1 with ML-Agents Release 20 (Unity package version 2.3.0-exp.2). To train the agents, the ML-Agents Python package is required.


To run inference, use the Scenes/Test scene. Checkpoints for hiders and seekers can be loaded in the Unity inspector in the Game Controller script properties of the platform object. After loading checkpoints, the easiest way to run inference is to run the scene in the editor. Alternatively, you can build the binary (go to File > Build Settings, add Test scene to build, set the desired target platform, then click Build). The binary can be run using the following command:

./unity-ml-agents_hide-and-seek.x86_64 [game_params=<path/to/game_params_config.json>] [arena_params=<path/to/arena_params_config.json>]

Note that checkpoints for inference cannot be loaded using game controller JSON configs.


To run training, use the Scenes/Training scene. You can adjust the number of training platforms by simply deleting or duplicating platform objects and stacking them vertically. Training can be run using the following command:

mlagents-learn --env <path/to/hide-and-seek_binary> --num-envs 3 --no-graphics <path/to/ml-agents_config.yaml> --run-id <run_id> [--env-args <game_params=<path/to/game_params_config.json> arena_params=<path/to/arena_params_config.json>]

See the ML-Agents getting started guide for more details on using the ML-Agents trainer script.


For testing the trained checkpoints, we provide a separate testing framework in separate repository available here with a short documentation available.

Environment Settings

The following tables describe the parameters of Game Controller and Map Generator scripts attached to platform objects. The parameters can be either changed in the Unity inspector or overridden by passing a JSON config to the environment binary. Example configs are located in the config directory. The config files for hide and seek gamemode can be found in config/default and the config files for predator-prey gamemode can be found in config/predator_prey. The config/borderless shows an example of an arena that is not restricted by walls and penalizes agents for trying to go out of bounds instead.

Game Parameters

Parameter Description
episodeSteps (default = 500) The length of a single episode in environment steps.
gracePeriodFraction (default = 0.4) The fraction of episode steps during which hider actions are locked. E.g., for episodeSteps = 500 and gracePeriodFraction = 0.4, the first 200 steps of each episode are considered warmup.
coneAngle (default = 67.5) The fov of agents used for calculating rewards.
rewards A list of individual rewards to be awarded to agents. Every list entry should be a dictionary with two keys: type and weight. For a description of all reward types, refer to the table below.
winCondition What event is considered a win for either team. For a description of all win condition types, refer to the table below.
winConditionRewardMultiplier The group reward given to the team that satisfied the set winning condition at the end of every episode.
arenaSize (default = 25) The size of the playable area of the platform used for giving out of bounds penalty to agents.
allowCapture Whether a hider being too close to a seeker should result in him getting captured and removed from the game.
captureDistance (default = 1.2) The distance between the hider and seeker at which the hider is considered captured. Has effect only if allowCapture is enabled.
seekersCaptureGoal (default = 3) The number of hiders that seekers need to capture to win. Has effect only if allowCapture is enabled and winCondition is set to 2.
useCoplay (default = false) Whether to use coplay during training.
numberOfCoplayAgents (default = 1) The number of coplay agents per episode.
selfPlayRatio (default = 0.5) The probability of using coplay each episode.

Arena Parameters

Parameter Description
mapSize (default = 25.0) The size of the playable area of the platform used during map generation. Should be equal to arenaSize set in game parameters.
wallsPosition (default = 0.0) The distance of walls from the center of the platform. If set to 0, the distance will match arenaSize.
numHidersMin (default = 3) The minimum number of hiders in team.
numHidersMax (default = 3) The maximum number of hiders in team. Should be at most 4 and not smaller than numHidersMin.
numSeekersMin (default = 3) The minimum number of seekers in team.
numSeekersMax (default = 3) The maximum number of seekers in team. Should be at most 4 and not smaller than numSeekersMin.
agentRadius (default = 0.75) The radius around each agent at which no objects will spawn during map generation.
instantiateBoxes (default = true) Whether boxes should be spawned every episode.
numBoxesMin (default = 5) The minimum number of boxes which spawn every episode.
numBoxesMax (default = 5) The maximum number of boxes which spawn every episode. Should be not smaller than numBoxesMin.
objectRadius (default = 1.5) The radius around each box at which no other objects will spawn during map generation.

Reward Types

ID Editor name Description
0 Visibility Individual -weight or +weight given every step, depending on the individual visibility criteria. A hider gets a positive reward iff no seeker has a line of sight on him. A seeker gets a positive reward iff he has a line of sight on at least one hider.
1 Visibility Team -weight or +weight given every step, depending on the team visibility criteria. Hiders get a positive reward iff no seeker has a line of sight on any hider. Seekers get a positive reward iff at least one seeker has a line of sight on at least one hider.
2 Capture Every time a seeker captures a hider, the caught hider is given a -weight penalty and seeker who captured him gets a +weight reward. Has effect only if allowCapture is enabled.
3 Oob Penalty -weight penalty given every step to every agent who is outside of the box of size arenaSize around the center of the arena.

Win Condition Types

ID Editor name Description
0 None No team is considered to be winning, and no group rewards are given.
1 Line Of Sight Seekers win if, at any step after the warmup, at least one seeker has a line of sight on at least one hider. Hiders win otherwise.
2 Capture Seekers win if they capture at least seekersCaptureGoal hiders during the episode. Hiders win otherwise.


New Unity ML-Agents Team-based MARL environments: Hide & Seek and Predator-Prey. Used in the paper "FCSP: Fictitious Co-Self-Play for Team-based Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning"






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