PHP-rendered classic web app powering the MLP Vector Club's website since 2015.
“When the sun goes down, it transforms into a giant, monstrous version of itself.”
— Source
Used libraries, icons and tools include:
- Front-end: Typicons, Font Awesome,, jQuery, ReactJS, Fluidbox, autocomplete.js, CodeMirror, moment.js, simplemarquee, dragscroll, canvas.hdr.js, noUiSlider, FileSaver.js, paste.js, Draggable, cuid, (cdnjs)
- Back-end: moment.php, PostgresDb, WhichBrowser, HTML Purifier,,, MLPVC-WS, FineDiff, elasticsearch-php, ElasticsearchDSL, AltoRouter, Parsedown, IPTools, svg-sanitizer, svgo,
- Development tools: Gulp, Terser, SASS, Babel, Autoprefixer, Kint, Hasklig, Phinx, Monolog, wtfcmd
Please check the site's About page for additional credits.
- MD. Nur A Alam Dipu (@Dipu1A) for responsibly disclosing an open redirect vulnerability in the application
- tjhorner and SlvrEagle23 for showing me that quotes around attribute values is a good idea
- DASPRiD for his contributions and bug reports
- parclytaxel and Trildar for their help with math-related code and numerous bug reports
- The members of our Discord server who continue to report issues and suggest features, making the site better for everyone
- Gaurang Maheta for the responsible disclosure of an open redirect vulnerability in the application