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Merge pull request #108 from scalandr/add_merry_go_round
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Add merry-go-round test case for vertical and horizontal advection
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mark-petersen authored Feb 15, 2022
2 parents f4161e3 + 8aea93f commit 7fcaa5f
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Showing 28 changed files with 1,364 additions and 0 deletions.
238 changes: 238 additions & 0 deletions ocean/merry_go_round/100Cells/default/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python

This script creates an initial condition file for MPAS-Ocean.
Merry-go-round Test Case: steady state test case for horizontal
and vertical advection.
Calandrini, S., Pieper, K. and Gunzburger, M.D., 2020. Exponential time
differencing for the tracer equations appearing in primitive equation
ocean models. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,
365, p.113002.

import os
import shutil
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from import write_netcdf
import argparse
import math
import time
verbose = True

def main():
timeStart = time.time()
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-i', '--input_file', dest='input_file',
help='Input file, containing base mesh'
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output_file', dest='output_file',
help='Output file, containing initial variables'
parser.add_argument('-L', '--nVertLevels', dest='nVertLevels',
help='Number of vertical levels'
nVertLevels = parser.parse_args().nVertLevels
ds = xr.open_dataset(parser.parse_args().input_file)

# configuration settings
# reference vertical grid spacing
maxDepth = 500
vertical_coordinate = 'z' # sigma or z

# comment('obtain dimensions and mesh variables')
nCells = ds['nCells'].size
nEdges = ds['nEdges'].size
nVertices = ds['nVertices'].size

xCell = ds['xCell']
xEdge = ds['xEdge']
xVertex = ds['xVertex']
yCell = ds['yCell']
yEdge = ds['yEdge']
yVertex = ds['yVertex']
angleEdge = ds['angleEdge']
cellsOnEdge = ds['cellsOnEdge']
edgesOnCell = ds['edgesOnCell']

# Adjust coordinates so first edge is at zero in x and y
xOffset = xEdge.min()
xCell -= xOffset
xEdge -= xOffset
xVertex -= xOffset
yOffset = np.min(yEdge)
yCell -= yOffset
yEdge -= yOffset
yVertex -= yOffset

# x values for convenience
xCellMax = max(xCell)
xCellMin = min(xCell)
xCellMid = 0.5 * (xCellMax + xCellMin)
xEdgeMax = max(xEdge)

# initialize velocity field
u = np.zeros([1, nEdges, nVertLevels])

comment('create and initialize variables')
time1 = time.time()

varsZ = [ 'refLayerThickness', 'refBottomDepth', 'refZMid', 'vertCoordMovementWeights']
for var in varsZ:
globals()[var] = np.nan * np.ones(nVertLevels)

vars2D = ['ssh', 'bottomDepth', 'surfaceStress',
'atmosphericPressure', 'boundaryLayerDepth']
for var in vars2D:
globals()[var] = np.nan * np.ones(nCells)
maxLevelCell = np.ones(nCells, dtype=np.int32)

vars3D = [ 'layerThickness','temperature', 'salinity',
'zMid', 'density', 'tracer1', 'tracer2', 'tracer3']
for var in vars3D:
globals()[var] = np.nan * np.ones([1, nCells, nVertLevels])
restingThickness = np.nan * np.ones([nCells, nVertLevels])

# Note that this line shouldn't be required, but if layerThickness is
# initialized with nans, the simulation dies. It must multiply by a nan on
# a land cell on an edge, and then multiply by zero.
layerThickness[:] = -1e34

# equally spaced layers
refLayerThickness[:] = maxDepth / nVertLevels
refBottomDepth[0] = refLayerThickness[0]
refZMid[0] = -0.5 * refLayerThickness[0]
for k in range(1, nVertLevels):
refBottomDepth[k] = refBottomDepth[k - 1] + refLayerThickness[k]
refZMid[k] = -refBottomDepth[k - 1] - 0.5 * refLayerThickness[k]

# See surface height
ssh[:] = 0.0

# Compute maxLevelCell and layerThickness for z-level (variation only on top)
if (vertical_coordinate=='z'):
vertCoordMovementWeights[:] = 0.0
vertCoordMovementWeights[0] = 1.0
for iCell in range(0, nCells):
maxLevelCell[iCell] = nVertLevels - 1
bottomDepth[iCell] = refBottomDepth[nVertLevels - 1]
layerThickness[0, iCell, :] = refLayerThickness[:]
layerThickness[0, iCell, 0] += ssh[iCell]
restingThickness[:, :] = layerThickness[0, :, :]

# Compute maxLevelCell and layerThickness for sigma
#elif (vertical_coordinate=='sigma'):
# vertCoordMovementWeights[:] = 1.0
# maxLevelCell[:] = nVertLevels - 1 # maxLevelCell is zero-based within python code
# bottomDepth[:] = bottomDepthObserved[:]
# for iCell in range(0, nCells):
# restingThickness[iCell, :] = refLayerThickness[:]*bottomDepth[iCell]/maxDepth
# layerThickness[0, iCell, :] = refLayerThickness[:]*(ssh[iCell] + bottomDepth[iCell])/maxDepth

# Compute zMid (same, regardless of vertical coordinate)
for iCell in range(0, nCells):
k = maxLevelCell[iCell]
zMid[0, iCell, k] = -bottomDepth[iCell] + \
0.5 * layerThickness[0, iCell, k]
for k in range(maxLevelCell[iCell] - 1, -1, -1):
zMid[0, iCell, k] = zMid[0, iCell, k + 1] + 0.5 * \
(layerThickness[0, iCell, k + 1] + layerThickness[0, iCell, k])

# initialize tracers
rho0 = 1000.0 # kg/m^3
rhoz = -2.0e-4 # kg/m^3/m in z
S0 = 35.0
r = 1

# linear equation of state
# rho = rho0 - alpha*(T-Tref) + beta*(S-Sref)
# set S=Sref
# T = Tref - (rho - rhoRef)/alpha
config_eos_linear_alpha = 0.2
config_eos_linear_beta = 0.8
config_eos_linear_Tref = 10.0
config_eos_linear_Sref = 35.0
config_eos_linear_densityref = 1000.0

for k in range(0, nVertLevels):
activeCells = k <= maxLevelCell
salinity[0, activeCells, k] = S0
density[0, activeCells, k] = rho0 + rhoz * zMid[0, activeCells, k]
# T = Tref - (rho - rhoRef)/alpha
#temperature[0, activeCells, k] = config_eos_linear_Tref \
# - (density[0, activeCells, k] - config_eos_linear_densityref) / \
# config_eos_linear_alpha
for iCell in range(0, nCells):
if (xCell[iCell] < xCellMid):
temperature[0, iCell, :] = 5
temperature[0, iCell, :] = 30
for k in range(0, nVertLevels):
psi1 = 1.0 - (((xCell[iCell] - 0.5*xCellMax)**4)/((0.5*xCellMax)**4))
psi2 = 1.0 - (((zMid[0, iCell, k] + 0.5*maxDepth)**2)/((0.5*maxDepth)**2))
psi = psi1*psi2
tracer1[0,iCell,k] = 0.5*(1 + math.tanh( r*(2*psi - 1) ) )
tracer2[0,:,:] = 10
tracer3[0,:,:] = 20

# initial velocity on edges
ds['normalVelocity'] = (('Time', 'nEdges', 'nVertLevels',), np.zeros([1, nEdges, nVertLevels]))
normalVelocity = ds['normalVelocity']
for iEdge in range(0, nEdges):
cell1 = cellsOnEdge[iEdge,0] - 1
cell2 = cellsOnEdge[iEdge,1] - 1
for k in range(0, nVertLevels):
zMidEdge = 0.5*(zMid[0, cell1, k] + zMid[0, cell2, k])
dPsi = - (2.0*zMidEdge + maxDepth) / (0.5*maxDepth)**2
u[0, iEdge, k] = (1.0 - ((xEdge[iEdge] - 0.5*xCellMax)**4)/((0.5*(xCellMax-xCellMin))**4)) * dPsi
if ((cell1<0.5*nCells and cell1>0.25*nCells-1) and (cell2<0.5*nCells and cell2>0.25*nCells-1)):
u[0, iEdge, k] = (1.0 - (((xEdge[iEdge]-xCellMin) - 0.5*(xCellMax+xCellMin))**4)/((0.5*(xCellMax-xCellMin))**4)) * dPsi
if (cell1>0.75*nCells-1 and cell2>0.75*nCells-1):
u[0, iEdge, k] = (1.0 - (((xEdge[iEdge]-xCellMin) - 0.5*(xCellMax+xCellMin))**4)/((0.5*(xCellMax-xCellMin))**4)) * dPsi
normalVelocity[0, iEdge, :] = u[0, iEdge, :] * math.cos(angleEdge[iEdge])
if (xEdge[iEdge]<=xCellMin or xEdge[iEdge]>=xCellMax):
normalVelocity[0, iEdge, :] = 0.0

# Coriolis parameter
ds['fCell'] = (('nCells', 'nVertLevels',), np.zeros([nCells, nVertLevels]))
ds['fEdge'] = (('nEdges', 'nVertLevels',), np.zeros([nEdges, nVertLevels]))
ds['fVertex'] = (('nVertices', 'nVertLevels',), np.zeros([nVertices, nVertLevels]))

# surface fields
surfaceStress[:] = 0.0
atmosphericPressure[:] = 0.0
boundaryLayerDepth[:] = 0.0
print(' time: %f' % ((time.time() - time1)))

comment('finalize and write file')
time1 = time.time()
ds['maxLevelCell'] = (['nCells'], maxLevelCell + 1)
ds['restingThickness'] = (['nCells', 'nVertLevels'], restingThickness)
for var in varsZ:
ds[var] = (['nVertLevels'], globals()[var])
for var in vars2D:
ds[var] = (['nCells'], globals()[var])
for var in vars3D:
ds[var] = (['Time', 'nCells', 'nVertLevels'], globals()[var])
# If you prefer not to have NaN as the fill value, you should consider
# using instead
ds.to_netcdf('', format='NETCDF3_64BIT_OFFSET')
# write_netcdf(ds,'')
print(' time: %f' % ((time.time() - time1)))
print('Total time: %f' % ((time.time() - timeStart)))

def comment(string):
if verbose:
print('*** ' + string)

if __name__ == '__main__':
# If called as a primary module, run main
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions ocean/merry_go_round/100Cells/default/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python

# This script was generated from as part of a config file

import sys
import os
import shutil
import glob
import subprocess

dev_null = open('/dev/null', 'w')

# Run command is:
# planar_hex --nx 1600 --ny 4 --dc 3e3 --nonperiodic_x -o
subprocess.check_call(['planar_hex', '--nx', '100', '--ny', '4', '--dc',
'5', '--nonperiodic_x', '-o', ''])

# Run command is:
# MpasCellCuller.x
subprocess.check_call(['MpasCellCuller.x', '',

# Run command is:
# MpasMeshConverter.x
subprocess.check_call(['MpasMeshConverter.x', '', ''])
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions ocean/merry_go_round/100Cells/default/config_base_mesh.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config case="base_mesh">
<copy_file source_path="script_test_dir" source="" dest=""/>

<run_script name="">
<step executable="python">
<argument flag=""></argument>
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions ocean/merry_go_round/100Cells/default/config_driver.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
<driver_script name="">
<case name="base_mesh">
<step executable="./" quiet="true" pre_message=" * Creating 2D global base mesh with jigsaw..." post_message=" complete! Created file: base_mesh/"/>
<case name="initial_state">
<step executable="./" quiet="true" pre_message=" * Initializing ocean state with bathymetry and tracers..." post_message=" complete! Created file: initial_state/"/>
<case name="forward">
<step executable="./"/>
<case name="visualize">
<step executable="./" quiet="true" pre_message=" * Visualize velocity and tracer fields..." post_message=" complete! Created file: visualize/section.png"/>
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions ocean/merry_go_round/100Cells/default/config_forward.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config case="forward">
<add_link source="../initial_state/" dest=""/>
<add_link source="../base_mesh/" dest=""/>

<add_executable source="model" dest="ocean_model"/>

<namelist name="namelist.ocean" mode="forward">
<template file="templates/template_forward_merry.xml" path_base="script_configuration_dir"/>
<option name="config_dt">'00:012:00'</option>

<streams name="streams.ocean" keep="immutable" mode="forward">
<template file="templates/template_forward_merry.xml" path_base="script_configuration_dir"/>

<run_script name="">
<step executable="gpmetis">
<argument flag="">4</argument>
<model_run procs="4" threads="1" namelist="namelist.ocean" streams="streams.ocean"/>
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions ocean/merry_go_round/100Cells/default/config_initial_state.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config case="initial_state">

<add_link source="../base_mesh/" dest=""/>
<copy_file source_path="script_test_dir" source="" dest=""/>

<run_script name="">
<step executable="python">
<argument flag=""></argument>
<argument flag="-i"></argument>
<argument flag="-o"></argument>
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions ocean/merry_go_round/100Cells/default/config_visualize.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config case="visualize">
<copy_file source_path="script_test_dir" source="" dest=""/>

<run_script name="">
<step executable="python">
<argument flag=""></argument>

0 comments on commit 7fcaa5f

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