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Nathan Patten edited this page Jul 15, 2015 · 4 revisions

MPOS Docker

The MPOS Docker container is for testing only.

First you will need a currant version of docker installed and configured on your machine.

You can get the install information from Form this link

Docker information and helpful hints Please read here

MPOS Docker Testing Container.

Please note all data will be lost if you destroy this container

    docker pull nrpatten/mpos-docker
    docker run -itd -p 80:80 -p 3333:3333 nrpatten/mpos-docker
    this will expose port 80 and 3333 to your network
    You will be able to http://yourboxip/ for MPOS 
    and stratum+tcp://yourboxip:3333 for stratum

To ssh into the container run
    docker ps
    docker inspect -f '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' CONTAINER ID
    ssh dockerip username: root pass: root

Or login with Docker run:
    docker ps
    And add your CONTAINER ID
    eg: docker exec -it 013ca0ec7315 /bin/bash

Or build your own with the Git repo and docker repo

    git clone mpos
    cd mpos
    docker pull nrpatten/ubuntu-mpos-base
    docker build -t nrpatten/mpos .
    docker run -itd -p 80:80 -p 3333:3333 nrpatten/mpos
    this will expose port 80 and 3333 to your network
    You will be able to http://yourboxip/ for MPOS
    and stratum+tcp://yourboxip:3333 for stratum

To ssh into the container run
    docker ps
    docker inspect -f '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' CONTAINER ID
    ssh dockerip username: root pass: root

Or login with Docker run:
    docker ps
    And add your CONTAINER ID
    eg: docker exec -it 013ca0ec7315 /bin/bash

If you have any issues please post them HERE only.

Please do not post them in the MPOS issue tracker.

NOTE: this is a side project and proof of concept i do not watch the mpos-docker repo for issues. But if i see any i will get to them.

If you don't want to use git's issue tracker you can chat on freenode on #mpos-docker

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