This simple application asks for your name and ..that is it. The goal was to understand design of a web application using Flask.
Any web application follows some design principles (those thigs that you ask "why (..)?" and the answer is "because"). In general, for a flask web aplication the parts are:
- (or contains the python code controling the application
- requirements.txt contains a list of all libraries
- statics/ folder with all static code
- templates/ folder with the different routes .html
The app will be served at your local host
One of the common design patters is MVC - Model View Controller - - Model: contains the application data (sql database, csv ,..) - View: presents the model data to the user - Controller: the piece connecting view and model.
In this applcation, I am using "GET" and "POST", and templates like layout.html and it was written following Prof Malan lecture (CS50 Lecture9 Flask).