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Applications using the framework

Stanislav Vasilev edited this page Jul 3, 2024 · 18 revisions

This is a list of all applications, we know of, that use the framework:

Type Name Developer Links
Game Manager UntitledLinuxGameManager MadLadSquad GitHub
Documentation UntitledDEWelcome MadLadSquad GitHub
Utility UntitledDESessionLogout MadLadSquad GitHub
Utility UntitledDEPolkitAgent * MadLadSquad GitHub
IBus IM UntitledIBusHandwriting MadLadSquad GitHub
Panel UDFPanel MadLadSquad GitHub
Website UImGuiDemo MadLadSquad Web, GitHub
Debugging LuaDebugger ElCapor GitHub

* Not yet released

Third Party software we use in the framework


Type Name Developer Links
Font rendering Freetype Freetype Project Website
OpenGL Loader GLEW nigels-com GitHub
Windowing Library GLFW GLFW Project GitHub
GUI Library Dear imgui ocornut GitHub
Logging Library UntitledLog MadLadSquad GitHub
SO Loader URLL MadLadSquad GitHub
Image Loader stb_image nothings GitHub
YAML Parser yaml-cpp jbeder GitHub
Build System CMake Kitware Website
Build System GNU Make GNU Website
Source Control Git Git Website
Utility vswhere Microsoft GitHub
Network Library curl curl Project Website
IDE/Compiler VS/MSVC Microsoft Website
Unix Shell Bash GNU Website
Toolchain Emscripten Emscripten Website

Single dependency modules:

Module Type Name Developer Links
CLI CLI Parser UCLI Parser MadLadSquad GitHub
Knobs Widget imgui-knobs altschuler GitHub
I18N I18N UI18N MadLadSquad GitHub
Plot Widget implot epezent GitHub
Spin Widget imspinner dalerank GitHub
Text Widgets UTextUtils MadLadSquad GitHub
Toggle Widget imgui_toggle cmdwtf GitHub

OS Module:

Module Type Name Developer Links
Font Utility UFontUtils MadLadSquad GitHub
DBus Utility UDBusUtils MadLadSquad GitHub
DBus DBus DBus freedesktop GitLab
Exec Utility UExec MadLadSquad GitHub
XDG Utility UXDG_BASEDIR MadLadSquad GitHub

Development libraries:

Type Name Developer Links
Graphics API Dawn google GitHub

* Not yet released

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