This API SDK was automatically generated by APIMATIC v2.0
The generated client class accepts the configuration parameters in its constructors.
The generated code uses a java library namely UniRest. The reference to this library is already added as a maven dependency in the generated pom.xml file. Therefore, you will need internet access to resolve this dependency.
1. Extract the zip file to a new folder named JavaSDK.
2. Open a command prompt and navigate to the JavaSDK/MagicTelecomAPILib folder.
3. Execute "mvn install", this will install dependencies and also add the generated JAR in your local maven repository.
4. In your own maven application, add the following lines which will refer to newly installed SDK:
For build process do the following:
1. Open Eclipse and use "Import" option in "File" menu.
2. Select "General -> Existing Projects into Workspace" option from the tree list.
3. In "Select root directory", provide path to the unzipped archive for the generated code.
4. Click "Finish" and ensure that "Project -> Build Automatically" option is enabled in the menu.
Export the compiled classes as a java libray (jar). The exported jar can be used as library. See the following links for more information on this topic.
Exporting JARs:
Using JARs: