Odoo employee wise subject wise mark database app
- College master
- Stream Master (Btech/Mtech/MCA)
- Semester master
- Subject master
- College have multiple streams
- Each stream have multiple semester (Validation: Btech = 8, Mtech = 4, MCA = 6)
- Each semester has multiple subjects
- Employees are tagged with college, stream
- Each employee will add and update their subject wise mark out of 100
- If an employee skip particular subject then it will be treated as 0
- HR users will validate the entry
- After validation employee will not further modify (Make Fields Read Only)
- HR user will view the subject wise highest mark and name of employees
- College wise student count and no of student with mark more than 90%
- Subject wise average mark
- Pivot report based on master data
- Inherit the employee module
- HR user may be multiple