Simple error catcher integrated with services like Discord and Trello, use chatbots to monitor your application and server. Receive error catching reports to a Discord Server Channel, and use chatbots to send commands and fetch reports.
- This tools allows you to configurate the errors or lines you want to capture from any log file, in this example you will find a configuration for catching HTTP ERROR 500.
- You can configurate the timeframes in which the logs will be read, the conditions that triggers the errores, the lines to fetch from the files, the language to markup the error to discord, characters to ignore, how often the errors fetched would be clear, and how often you want a receive reports with error ocurrences.
- You can also use chatbots to fetch and generate reports any time outside the timeframes configurated.
- You can also configurate linux commands and receive in discord the outputs or results.
For this version you need a Discord server, also, you'll need to register as a developer and create an Application and a Bot
- Go To Discord Developers
- Create a new application and under the Bot option create a new bot
- Add your new bot to your server Channel
- Create a webhook in you server channel
- Paste the webhooks url and chat bot token in the Emissary configuration file.
Basically you want to create or use an existing Board and List.
- Go To Trello App Key Generator
- Click in Token to create your member token (be aware of expiration time)
- Copy both your public_key and member_token into the initializer file or runner
- Find your Trello ListID, you can do this by openning the web tools in your browser, click on the navigation tab and watch for the navigation log when editing the name of your list, the ID will be visible under the Preview Tab
- Use the Trello ListID in the loggr.json file under the configuration you want trello to work with.
gem "emissary-ruby"
gem "discordrb"
gem "ruby-trello"
#Or install each gem
gem install "discordrb"
gem install "ruby-trello"
gem install "emissary-ruby"
Configure your log readers and commands by creating a file emissary.json inside your project.
See some examples
"server_name": "AppName",
"header_format": "__***{title}***__",
"webhooks_url" : "{webhook url}",
"bot_token" : "{bot token}",
"trello_public_key": "{trello public key}",
"trello_member_token": "trello member token",
"rails": {
"name": "Rails Logger",
"path": "path/to/rails/log",
"condition": "Completed 500 Internal Server Error",
"lines": 10,
"fetch_each": 10,
"language": "ruby",
"ignore": ["", " ", " "],
"command": "rails",
"bash_command": "",
"clear_each": 48,
"report_each": 12,
"trello_list_id": "",
"color": "#FF0000",
"alias": "ror",
"format": ""
"disk": {
"name": "Disk Usage",
"path": "",
"condition": "",
"lines": 0,
"fetch_each": 0,
"language": "text",
"ignore": ["", " ", " "],
"command": "disk",
"bash_command": "df -h",
"clear_each": 0,
"report_each": 0,
"trello_list_id": "",
"color": "#00FF00",
"alias": "",
"format": {"from": " ", "to": "|"}
"cpu": {
"name": "CPU Usage",
"path": "",
"condition": "",
"lines": 0,
"fetch_each": 0,
"language": "text",
"ignore": ["", " ", " "],
"command": "cpu",
"bash_command": "mpstat",
"clear_each": 0,
"report_each": 0,
"trello_list_id": "",
"color": "#00FF00",
"alias": "",
"format": {"from": " ", "to": "|"}
"clear_log_file": {
"name": "Clear log file",
"path": "",
"condition": "",
"lines": 0,
"fetch_each": 0,
"language": "text",
"ignore": ["", " ", " "],
"command": "cpu",
"bash_command": "rm path/to/rails/log && touch path/to/rails/log",
"clear_each": 0,
"report_each": 0,
"trello_list_id": "",
"color": "#00FF00",
"alias": "",
"format": {"from": "", "to": ""}
Run the bundle exec emissary command and pass as parameter the path to the emissary.json file you just created
bundle exec emissary "/path/to/config/file.json"
You can type the next commands in your Discord Server Channel and the Chatbot will answer.
!emy rails fetch #This will read the log file for the setup with command rails
!emy rails report #this will send to the discord general reports of errors catched
!emy disk #This will send back to discord the usage of the server disk partitions
!emy rails {id} trello #Add message report to trello list
- Change WorkingDirectory and the ExecStart to your server configurations
- Change User and Group to the user you user for deployment
Usually you create this file as: /lib/systemd/system/emissary.service
ExecStart=/home/rails/.rbenv/shims/bundle exec emissary /home/rails/my_project/shared/emissary.json
In case you use capistrano and you deamonize Emissary: config/deploy.rb
namespace :emissary do
task :quiet do
on roles(:app) do
puts capture("pgrep -f 'emissary' | xargs kill -TSTP")
task :restart do
on roles(:app) do
execute! :sudo, :systemctl, :restart, :emissary
after 'deploy:starting', 'emissary:quiet'
after 'deploy:reverted', 'emissary:restart'
after 'deploy:published', 'emissary:restart'
This tools is in the making
Multi server with the same BOTbundle exec runner for better daemonization and independence- Send whole messages batch to trello
- Create a discord channel for developers to test before installing the gem and a public trello board with this roadmap and a list for testing
- Better command params handling
- Convert the message HASH into a Ruby Class
- Change the JSON config file to a init class configuration for better customization
- Title dates formatting
- Gem dependencies
- Regex conditioning
- Slack Integration
- Email reports Integration
- Authy integration for TwoFactor authentication for sensible commands
- API Keys with ENV variables