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Decentralized election aplication built on Ethereum blockchain

This project is an Ethereum-based application which allows to hold an election. Smart contract is written in Solidity, front-end is built with Next.js framework and uses The Graph to read data from the blockchain. Here are the main features of this app:

  • The contract sets deployer as an election admin.
  • Election admin control election process. He can add voters, candidates, start and stop election.
  • Only authorised voters have right to vote.
  • Election admin control when election is open.

This Dapp goal is to allow some centralized entity to hold en election with easily verifiable results. Thanks to blockchain technology any attems of fraud are impossible.

This repository contains only smart contracts code. For front-end and subgraph code see links below

Getting Started


Before using this app you need to install the following:

  • Nodejs

  • Yarn



yarn hardhat deploy


yarn hardhat test


You can interact with contract using scripts

yarn hardhat run scripts/<script-name>

Deployment to a testnet

1. Setup environment variables

You need to create .env file and add environment variables similar to what you see in .env.example file.

2. Deploy

yarn hardhat deploy --network goerli




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