Hi there, I'm Marcelo!👋
Hi, I'm Marcelo Marçal, a passionate self-taught Back-End web developer from Brazil.
- 🔭 I’m currently working at Magnet Smart Solutions.
- 👯 I'm collaborating on the projects:
- Magnet Smart: Solutions project:
- Magnet Smart: Solutions: https://setorazul.com.br/
- Magnet Smart: Solutions: https://magnet.inf.br/
- Magnet Smart: Solutions: https://app.setorazul.com.br/
- Magnet Smart: Cerfoxtelecom project: https://cerfoxtelecom.com.br/
- DataIntegra project:
- DataIntegra: Integração Kozma.
- DataIntegra: Integração Unimed.
- DataIntegra: Integração SulAmerica.
- DataIntegra: SulAmerica - (Agendamento Eletrônico Integrado).
- HGV Sistemas: Sicredi project: banking system.
- HGV Sistemas: Sicoob project: banking system.
- HGV Sistemas: Unicred project: banking system.
- HGV Sistemas: Unimed project: medical system.
- HGV Sistemas: CredAilos project: medical system.
- 💬 Ask me about @Marcelo Marçal
- 🌱 I’m currently learning SQL, NODE, REACT.
- I'm working with technologies:
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript,
- NodeJS, API REST, Express, Sequelize, React, SQL, MySQL, PL/SQL, PHP
- pg Admin 4, PostgreSQL, Docker, Beekeeper, Insomnia,
- gitHub, Netlify, Digital Ocean, SendGrid, Heroku, JSReport, AWS,
- Trello, Slack.
Languages and Tools:
NOTE: Top languages does not indicate my skill level or something like that, it's a github metric of which languages i have the most code on github, it's a new feature of github-readme-stats