When the quarantine began, I use to search for the curves in the world every day. It was amazing how these beautiful shapes were being built (in a horrible way).
One day, when I was taking a shower, and suddenly had the idea of creating art, from these curves that obsessed me. I immediately created a repository, bought a domain, and started testing with Javascript. I quickly found chart.js, and an API to consume the case data (the most fun part).
After a few weeks, I already had the basic functionality of the project, I published it in Reddit and in some Discord groups, and people from all over the world started to join. After some conversations and learning a lot, Covchart officially came out!
After a few days, I shared the link, and a friend sent me the following photo, telling me that she had created this painting portraying Hitler, using curves from countries with authoritarian governments. I felt that the site fulfilled its mission.
Pull requests are welcome, check the issues tab
Join Covhart in discord!