This challenge was the seventh weekly challenge and the second group based project. We worked in a three to build this project.
The learning objectives for this week were:
- Build a dynamic single page app using only Pure JS
- Request and use data from an external API
- Explain that libraries are code
- I managed to (somewhat accidentally) create a functioning test framework during a lunch time while trying to make a matcher, this framework also allowed you to load tests into a TestSuite and run them all when the browser opened
- By doing this the concept of a library completely changed in my mind, and I see that I could (with time) write one myself
- The note creation was fragmented and should have been enclosed in a separate function, this way they could be created as hidden divs and then revealed later
- Correctly enclosed note creation function would have allowed the same function to be reused but with modifications to have a single note show on click
*** Where people start to notice the notes you're notating ***
User story 1:
As a programmer
I can see a list of my notes, where each note is abbreviated to the first 20 characters
So I can find the one I want
User story 2:
As a programmer
I can create a new note
So I can record something I need to remember
User story 3:
As a programmer
I can see the full text of an individual note on its own page
So I can see all the information in the note
User story 4:
As a programmer
I can use shortcodes like `:fire:` that get converted into emojis like 🔥
So I can record notes with fun little pictures