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A java library for easy-to-use and good Squared-Blocks with effects, custom colours and events.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running

Download a copy of the library

You can download it as a zip file or copy it to your desktop using this link on you git bash

Use the UIBlocks.jar and put it in your project from your Build Path (for Eclipse IDE)

Running the tests

Initializing the Library

Before writing any code don't forget to initialize it so the library will know the window's sizes anytime

JFrame frame = new JFrame();

Creating a block

Create a square block with UIColor: GRAY at positions: x: 30 pixels y: 10 pixels and sizes: width: Half the window height: Full window - 20 pixels

UISquare square = UISquare.createSquare(UIColor.GRAY); // create a new Square object named square
square.setX(new UILocation(30); // set the square's location X to 30 pixels
square.setY(new UILocation(10); // set the square's location Y to 10 pixels
UIDimension squareSize = new UIDimension(.5f, 1f); // create a new UIDimension object
squareSize.extraHeight(-20); // add -20 pixels to the height
square.setSize(squareSize); // set the square's size to size's object dimensions

you can make the square rounded by adding one more parameter to the createSquare method example:

UISquare square = UISquare.createSquare(UIColor.GRAY, 10);

Adding effects to the square

You can add open and close effects to the square with the setEffect(UIEffects effect, int effectPixels, int speed) where the effect parameter is what effect you want, the effectPixels is how many pixels to move until stop the effect and speed is how many pixels per frame to move In this example we will make to hide from the right to the left.

// previous code
square.setEffect(UIEffects.RIGHT_TO_LEFT, 30, 5);

Available effects


Change square's visibility

You can change anytime the visibility so the effect can take place with just one function

// previous code
square.setVisible(boolean visible);

Draw the squares

You don't have to render the squares one by one, do it with just one function

// previous code
UISquare.renderSquares(g); // g is a java.awt.Graphics object

Update the squares

Update the squares with one function

// previous code

Delete a square

It deletes the square object and removes it from the squares list

// previous code



This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE file for details


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