We welcome contributions in the form of issues and pull requests. We view the contributions and process as the same for internal and external contributors.
Log issues for both bugs and enhancement requests. Logging issues are important for the open community.
Before significant effort is put into code changes, ensure you have raised a feature request/bug via an Issue. This helps to ensure that there is not an overlap in work and that others may collaborate where interested.
To avoid needing to package the node_modules with the action, we have used ncc to compile the typescript into a single js file. A build step has been added to the package.json to facilitate this.
"scripts": {
"build": "ncc build -o lib src/index.ts",
So to build the javascript package file just run
npm run-script build
- Commit all staged changes
- Bump the version as needed (major, minor, patch)
npm version minor
- Build, and Commit
- Push the changes following tags
git push --follow-tags
More info at https://travishorn.com/semantic-versioning-with-git-tags-1ef2d4aeede6
When time comes for a release assign a tag
git tag -a v0.1 -m "Release v0.1"
git push --follow-tags
The RELEASES.md should also be updated to describe the change log.
To generate the change log use the github-changelog-generator(https://github.com/github-changelog-generator/github-changelog-generator)
Install the gem like:
$ gem install github_changelog_generator
Running with CLI:
github_changelog_generator -u github_username -p github_project
ToDo: Look at automating the generation of this file issue #11
These resources were referenced in the creation of this package.
- https://help.github.com/en/actions/creating-actions/creating-a-javascript-action
- https://developer.github.com/webhooks/event-payloads/
Additional Actions used as inspiration or that have overlapping functionality: