Passionate WordPress developer by more of ten years, experience working with agencies and start-up. Experience on agile metology and Scrum framework. Currently I work as a Scrum master on Mellow Consulting, Automatic Integrations on and course Platzi Master on cohort 9 group. When I'm not fully ocuped between regular work and study I like see and practice Standup comedy. I worked (and continue in comunication) with feew of most relevant web agencys on Mexico. If you're interested in talking, please send me a message to connect!
🔭 I'm currently working on Few WordPress and Woocommerce integrations, making Zapier, Make, Airtable, Hubspot and automations, and trying to implement Agile Methodology in a agency team
👯 I want to collaborate on Startup MVP planning and implementation of agile methodology to upgrade productivity teams.
🙏 I'm looking for help with my switch from the rol as developper to a gerencial rol. I'm working to convertme on a Creative Lead
🌱 I'm currently learning Python, React JS, Svelte
💬 Ask me about WordPress and Woocommerce customizations and dev implementations
📫 How to reach me?
All of my projects are available at Rckflr Blog
Know about my experiences here
⚡ Fun Fact: Dato curioso Me encanta la comedia y aprendo magia (pero soy un mago realmente malo). Intento tocar la batería y practicar Iaido (esgrima japonesa)