A python script that uses graphviz to layout a Twine 2 story into something ideally nice looking.
This is by no means a perfect system and something well worth fiddling about, especially with the layout engine and spacing
variable in the python script
python twinespacer.py originalTwineStory newTwineStory layoutStyle
The layout style is optional, and matches the engines from graphviz, will default to the dot engine if none is provided.
back up your twine files before using this program, I am a bad python programmer and may destroy your story
- Python 2.7 (3 should be fine though)
- BeautifulSoup:
pip install beautifulsoup4
- graphviz: (on macOS the easiest way is to use brew, no idea on anything else)
- graphviz python library:
pip install graphviz
Once you've got all these installed, running the script should work