Vim plugin that highlight color codes in lines.
call dein#add('MeF0504/hicolcode.vim')
Plug 'MeF0504/hicolcode.vim'
or do something like this.
search for and highlight color codes in current line.
The color code this plugin highlight is #[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f]
e.g. #7d8fa4
, #a47996
, #00af5d
clear all highlights set by this plugin.
command can specify the line number range.
If you want to highlight lines from 2 to 10, you can do this by
or, if you want to highlight all lines in the current file, the following command is possible.
If set 1, color codes are highlighted automatically.
default: 0g:hicolcode_max_idx
The max number of highlight indexes. Bigger is better to avoid duplication, but maybe the processing becomes heavy.
default: 100