My name is N. I'm an undergraduate electrical engineer and mathematician, technology enthusiast, and passionate coder with a deep love for literature, art, and music. In my free time, I pursue origami and digital art, finding joy in creative expression. I also enjoy spending time in nature, taking long walks, and cycling, which refreshes and inspires me. Throughout my electronics studies, I've explored various programming languages, from low-level assembly and C to high-level Python. Recently, my focus has shifted towards software projects and excelling at Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA). I am deeply committed to my work and engage in multiple projects, spanning hardware and software, both analog and digital. Looking forward, I am also eager to continue my academic journey with master's studies after obtaining my bachelor's degree.
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Note: Top languages is only a metric of the languages my public code consists of and doesn't reflect experience or skill level.
Note: While it is good to have problem-solving skills and apply data structures and algorithms to solve problems on LeetCode, it is also worth doing as many projects as you can.
Ball Balancing on a Beam
- Description: Goal of the project is to balance a ball on a beam using PID regulator
- Link: Repository
Raspberry Pi Tank
- Description: Wifi/Bluetooth controlled tank implemented with raspberry pi
- Link: Repository
- Description: Simulink model of valve and pump control using PID regulator
- Link: Repository
Inverted Pendulum
- Description: Controlling inverted pendulum in the upright position
- Link: Repository
Ball on a Plane
- Description: Balancing a ball on a plane , uisng raspberry pi , openCV and Kalman filter.
- Link: Repository
Car System with FreeRTOS
- Description: Controlling opening and closing of the windows in a car depending on the velocity of the vehicle.
- Link: Repository