Kapitan Bomba'sᵂᴵᴷᴵ ᴾᴸ characters playground written in TypeScript.
Change body/clothes and animate the characters as you want in UI or use console.
There are many fans around Poland that cannot stand/understand the reason why Bomba got cancelled. We were left in a limbo for 10 years. It's the time to get stuff in our hands and resurrect captain Tytus Bomba like a Jesus. People simply needs him.
Simply switch between sites - first you will have to choose main character. Secondly you can work on character's body, and then on character's clothes.
The last site give you a chance to see build-in animation live demo played on your character.
Get direct access to all character's component by simply typing in the console:
const character = document.getElementsByClassName("character")[0]
Then you can access character's main object by typing character.self
. Next you can check as following:
character.self; // Character class object
const body = character.self.body; // Body class object
const clothes = character.self.clothes; // Clothes class object
const structural = character.self.structural; // Structural class object
character.self.div; // character's div
character.self.name; // character's name
The character is composed from the one Body, one Clothes and one Structural objects.
Contains all possible and changeable character body parts. Extending class Changeable
, containg a leaf div. Parameters and function:
body.characterType; // character's type - Human/Alien
body.leftFoot; // ChangeablePart class object representing leftFoot's body div
// ... and many more
body.parts(); // returns array of all of the body changeable parts
// functions inherited from class Changeable
body.showAll() // make all the parts of the body visible;
body.activate() // make all the body's part's handlers active
Contains all possible and changeable character clothes parts. Extending class Changeable
, containg a leaf div. Parameters and function:
clothes.leftFoot; // ChangeablePart class object representing leftFoot's clothes div
// ... and many more
clothes.parts(); // returns array of all of the clothes changeable parts
Contains all possible and unchangeable character parts. It's a parent div of Body/Clothes divs. Parameters and function:
structural.arms; // StructuralPart class object representing both arms' div
// ... and many more
structural.parts(); // returns array of all of the unchangeable structural parts
Part that can be switched to different style. Extending class Part
. Usefull parameters and functions:
const chest = body.chest; // chest element of the body
// clothes.chest; // chest element of the clothes
chest.div; // chest's div
chest.type; // type of the part - Body/Clothes
chest.characterName; // name of the character
chest.imageLocation(); // getter to check what is the full path of the currently shown chest image
chest.activate(); // makes the part's handlers active
chest.hide(); // hiddes the part
chest.highlight(); // adds effect to the part
chest.nextStyle(); // switched to the next style
// functions inherited from class Part
chest.move(x,y); // moved the div by x and y
chest.rotate(deg); // rotate the div by deg degree
chest.scale(x,y); // scale the object in x direction by x, and in y direction by y
chest.animate(transformName, transformValue, duration, defaultValue, iteration); // animate
Part that cannot be changed. Extending class Part
. Parameters:
const beard = structural.bear; // beard's parent div containing beardBody and beardClothes divs
beard.div; // beard's parent div
beard.type; // "Structural"
beard.name; // "beard"
// functions inherited from class Part
beard.animate(transformName, transformValue, duration, defaultValue, iteration);
As I was on that just by myself I managed to correctly create only Tytus Bomba character and two basic animation - talking and breathing. I need at least 2 or 3 other weirdos with patient and probably vector graphic abilities to recreate other characters and bring them to life!
That way we could create foundations for the future development like game/full animation section (however without the original Walaszek's voice)