- SprayURL is a easy to use addon. It allows players to create a spray using an image from the internet, whitout having to create the spray.
- Also the textures are HD, instead of that low quality spray texture.
Its quite simple! Just bind a key to sprayurl Example : bind "p" "sprayurl"
To set a different texture :
- Press C (context menu)
- Click on SprayURL Menu
- Grab a texture from the internet (for example :http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/100/3/8/b1_in_hd_by_tomajko-d7dz8iy.png) place it on the URL box and click Set
And your done! Your texture should work just fine.
sprayurl_enabled 1/0 (Enables/Disables SprayURL)
sprayurl_clearchache (Clears ALL the saved materials)
sprayurl_maxretry (default 10) (Max retries to download the texture)
sprayurl_texture "texture" (note it requires "") (The Spray Texture)
sprayurl_plyCooldown (Cooldown between sprays.) (Only Applies to Players, not Admins)
Currently its not possible to make 1 spray per player (like normal sprays) Some Textures might not download / show (sprayurl_clearchache) will fix that problem, then just ask for him to spray again. Spray Size is small. I haven't found a way to fix it. (sorry big images :()
This is currently in BETA. There might be other issues.