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Audica PC Modloader


A modloader for PC DLLs for Audica.

How it works

This modloader works as a standalone DLL (winhttp.dll). It get loaded by Audica when it starts up, and then loads mods from the Mods directory (which it will create if it does not exist) and applies them to Audica.

How to use it

  • Download the latest files from the releases page
  • Extract everything to the same directory as Audica.exe and GameAssembly.dll. (Should be somewhere like C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Audica)
  • Running the game once should create a Mods folder for you, which you can then place your mods in.


git clone
cd AudicaModLoader
git submodule update --init --recursive

AudicaModLoader.sln should be generated under the AudicaModLoader/build folder.

  1. Building the AudicaModDoorstop Visual Studio project will output a winhttp.dll, which should be placed next to Audica.exe and GameAssembly.dll

Mod development

If you're looking for how to create a mod, go over to!