A light, responsive graph drawing and plotting plugin
Allows creation of pie, bar, scatter and line charts.
#how to use
first, add the following script to the top of your html page:
<script src="http://www.michalpaszkiewicz.co.uk/plotjs/plotjs.js"></script>
Then add your par chart js code from one of the following samples:
var data = {
bob: 3,
jane: 5,
x: 4,
"Some random value": 32,
y: 81
var options = {};
var pie = new Plot.Pie("my-pie", data, options);
var data = {
bob: 3,
jane: 5,
x: 4,
"lots of yellow frogs with jumpers": 32,
y: 81
var options = {};
//pie chart
var pie = new Plot.Pie("my-pie", data, options);
//bar chart
var bar = new Plot.Bar("my-bar", data, options);
bar.data = pie.data;
var xyData = { values: [], colour: "red" };
for (var i = -200; i < 200; i++) {
xyData.values.push({ x: i, y: 4 * Math.sin(i / 20) - 2 * Math.cos( i / 10)});
var scatter = new Plot.Scatter("my-scatter", xyData, options);
scatter.addCurve(function (i) { return 2 * Math.sin(i / 20) - Math.cos(i / 8) }, "orange");
var xData = [{ values: [], colour: "red" }, { values: [], colour: "blue" }, { values: [], colour: "green" }];
for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
xData[0].values.push({ x: i * 2 + 5 });
xData[1].values.push({ x: i / 2 + 12 });
xData[2].values.push({ x: i * i / 20 + 10 });
var boxAndWhisker = new Plot.BoxAndWhisker("my-box-and-whisker", xData, options);