$pip install mypy8tml
Generating a simple code:
from mypy_8tml import MyPy8TML
html = MyPy8TML()
html.h1['Hello world']()
code = html.generate()
- Use MyPy8TML( ) to start the class
- Call the property (name of tag)
- Put content between the tag using -> []
- close tag calling the class -> ()
pip install flask
Pyhton code:
from flask import Flask, render_template_string
from mypy_8tml import MyPy8TML
app = Flask(__name__)
register = MyPy8TML().init_html('Form', 'pt')
.h1[' Just a simple form']()\
.p['e-mail :'](-1).input.in_type('email')()\
.p['password :'](-1).input.in_type('password')()\
def index():
return render_template_string(register.generate())