- 🌍 I'm based in Bangkok, Thailand
- ✉️ You can contact me at narakornmind@gmail.com
- 🧠 I'm learning TypeScript and AWS
- Management Web Application: Plan Schedule Management, Built with Vue.js, Vite.js, Bulma, Node.js, and MySQL.
- Travel Palnner Application: Trip plan Management, Built with React Native, Tailwind CSS, and Firebase.
- Klaikhun Web Application: Book hotels and flights, Built with React.js, Vite.js, Node.js, Tailwind CSS, and MySQL.
- RIOD Web Application: Online shopping site, Built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and phpMyAdmin.
- Webteen Web Application: Digital comics platform, Built with Svelte, Tailwind CSS, Java, Sprint Boot, RabbitMQ, and MongoDB. This is a microservices project which has 12 services in total. I've built the main service which is the book service.
- Librarian Application: Borrow and return books system, Built with Java, Spring Boot, and MySQL.