AMS is an alternative service to Blockchain's Transaction/Account balance service, but it's centralized database(MySQL8).
We used to use blockchain as the storage and management of user assets.Now we have 4 millions+ registered users, there are some problems to suit our future needs.
- DB
- MySQL8 JSON for JSON data.
- Sanic for asynchronous api services.
- encode databases[aiomysql] for asynchronous MySQL support.
- Reverse Proxy and load balancer
- Traefik with Docker for automatically and dynamically proxy and load balancer.
With more users, the monthly expenses are getting higher and higher.
Our blockchain base consumes a lot of disk and memory resources, it's a high monthly cost bill from AMS.
This is the main reason.
Broadcast a transaction to blockchain is very slow. Our users need to wait minutes to confirm their asset transfer is done.
Expensive, compared with AWS MySQL by our boss and OPs :|
- High availability
- Idempotent
- High concurrency
- Preventing injection attacks
- ~0 downtime
- Microservices
- No ORM
- DB
- High concurrency
- Transaction
- JSON support
- Split tables automatically by datetime or mod or both
- Asset
- Validate Account and Transaction by customized hash
- Single and bulk transactions transfer
- Send warning messages to telegram group