Fract-ol is a project developed as part of the curriculum at the 42 coding school. It is a program that allows users to explore and visualize various fractals in real-time. This provides detailed information on the project, its functionalities, and how to use it.
The Fract-ol 42 project aims to familiarize users with the concept of fractals and provide an interactive platform to explore different types of fractal patterns. Fractals are complex mathematical objects that exhibit self-similarity at various scales. They are visually appealing and offer unique patterns.
This program is written in C using the MiniLibX library, which provides a simple way to create graphical applications.
To install and run Fract-ol, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd Fract-ol
Compile the program using the Makefile:
make re
To launch the Fract-ol program, use the following command:
./fractol [fractal_type] [window_resolution]
Replace [fractal_type]
with the desired fractal type (e.g., mandelbrot, julia, tribrot).
Replace [window_resolution]
with the desired resolution(e.g, 480p, 720p, 2160p).
- If no resolution is specified, it is automatically set to 1080p.
My Fract-ol supports the following fractal types:
- Mandelbrot: A classic fractal that exhibits self-similarity and infinite complexity. It is generated using the Mandelbrot set formula.
- Julia: A fractal similar to the Mandelbrot set, but instead of varying the initial point, it uses a fixed point throughout the visualization.
- Tribrot: A fractal that seems to be the fusion between the well-known Tricorn fractal and Mandelbrot fractal.
Once the program is launched, you can use the following controls to interact with the fractal visualization:
- Help: Use the "H" key to bring up a small U.I for the command list and a iteration counter.
- Navigation: Use the arrow keys to move the fractal in different directions.
- Zoom: Scroll up or down to zoom in or out of the fractal.
- Iterations: Press the "+" or "-" key to increase or decrease the number of iterations for generating the fractal.
- Color Schemes: Press "X" or "C" to switch between different color schemes.
- Reset Fractal: Press "R" key to to reset the fractal parameters.
- Exit: Pres the "ESC" key or cross over the window's frame to close the window and finish the program cleanly.
- ONLY FOR JULIA: With a mouse click on any point of the window the fractal changes the value of the complex constant used to calculate the set, making changes to the shape of the fractal.
My Fract-ol provides the following features:
- Real-time rendering and navigation of fractals.
- Different color schemes to enhance visual representation.
- Dynamically adjustable maximum iteration count for generating the fractal.
- Set the fractal window resolution as an additional parameter.
- Good handling of errors due to missing or incorrect input parameters.
- Color Shift