This is a repo for package that contains a collection of functions that call GDAL externally on the milkun cluster.
To install the package, run:
NOTE: Functions are not that general. They're designed to work on milkun cluster (Linux), but can be adapted to be more generalized. Requires GDAL installed. ## Working list of functions utilized right now - GDAL_LC_tile() - split, process, and merge rasters in parallel.
- GDAL_algebra() - raster algebra.
- GDAL_aspect() - calculate aspect from DEM.
- GDAL_crop() - crop raster with shapefile. Only this function has some documentation.
- GDAL_mosaic_tile() - lower level function that merges back tiled raster from GDAL_LC_tile.
- GDAL_reproject() - reproject raster.
- GDAL_resample() - resample raster.
- GDAL_slope() - calculate slope from DEM.
- GDAL_get_changes() - extract changes from two raster from different timesteps with Needs debugging!
- GDAL_raster_to_polygon() - convert raster to a polygon (ESRI Shapefile) using