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Review App using React Native 📌

What is it? 📝

A basic review app created with Expo a React Native framework. I used React Navigation for the transition between screens and Formik with yup to create a form and validate data in the form.

Screenshots 📷

Home Screen Review Details Screen Form Modal Drawer Navigation About Screen

What did I learn? 🤔

I have learned a lot working on this project and used multiple methods and libraries to make it work.

I will explain the things I learned with a brief explanation of what they are and how to use them in the list below 👇

  • AppLoading - This component is used to keep the splash screen visible while the app is loading.
<AppLoading />
  • useFonts - Allow us to use any type of font in our App. I downloaded the fonts I used in the project from Google Fonts.
let [fontsLoaded] = useFonts({
  'font-name-regular': require('./assets/fonts/font-name-regular.ttf'),
  'font-name-bold': require('./assets/fonts/font-name-bold.ttf'),
  • Stack Navigator - Stack Navigator provides a way for our App to transition between screens. And to use the stack navigator we need to import createStackNavigator which is a function that takes 2 properties: Screen and Navigator both of which react components that we used to configure our navigator.
  1. NavigationContainer - This is a component that manages our navigation tree and must wrap all the navigation structures.
  2. Navigator will wrap the Screen elements as children to configure the routing.
  3. Screen elements will have the name property which can be the name of the screen we want to show and component which is the actual screen component we want to show we are in this route.
import { createStackNavigator } from '@react-navigation/stack'

const Stack = createStackNavigator()

function Navigator() {
  return (
        <Stack.Navigator initialRouteName='Home'>
            options={{ title: 'Main Page' }}
            options={{ title: 'Main Page' }}
  • Drawer Navigator - A Drawer Navigation is a drawer that can be shown on the left side to navigate between screens. Work the same way as the Stack Navigator but we have to import the createDrawerNavigator instead.

  • Modal - The modal component let us present new content on top of everything.

  • Formik - Formik is a form library for React and React Native it makes working with a form very easy. After installing formik we can use the <Formik/> component and it will take three two essential attributes:

  1. initialValues - That takes the values that we are going to collect from this form.
  2. onSubmit - This is triggered if we create a button in the form and give it the onPress={props.handleSubmit} and we can have the values of all the inputs from the form.

Basic Formik Code:

  initialValues={{ name: '', age: '' }}
  onSubmit={(values, action) => {
    action.resetForm() // Will reset the values to the default values:  { name: '', age: '' }
  {(props) => (
  • yup - For validation we used yup. In yup, we create a schema for the form and specify what each input should and should not have.
// Name is required and at least 3 characters.
// Age is required and over 18.
const userSchema = yup.object({
    name: yup.string().required().min(3),
    age: yup
    .test('age-over-18', 'Age must be over 18', (val) => return parseInt(val) > 18)

Resources 🔗

  • React Native Tutorial By The Net Ninja - I followed this tutorial to learn React Native.

  • React Native - React native is a framework that allows us to create mobile apps using JavaScript.

  • Expo - Expo is a mobile app development platform that allows you to build native mobile apps for iOS and Android.

  • React Navigation - React Navigation is a navigation library for Routing and navigation for Expo and React Native apps.

  • Formik - Formik is a from library for React and React Native.

  • yup - Yup is a schema builder for runtime value parsing and validation.


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