This project aims to automate the Coursera website using Selenium WebDriver.
It uses coursera Webpage, extracting courses and its details and filling the enquiry form.
Maven Repository: Maven 3.9.6
TestNG: 7.9.0
Extent Report: 5.1.1
Selenium WebDriver: 4.19.1
Log4j: 2.22.0
1.Navigate to the Coursera Webpage.
2.In the top of the webpage, We have search box and type "Web Development Courses" and click on search.
3.Give the language as "English" and level as "Beginner".
4.Validate whether the courses are belonging to the given level.
5.Then search "Language Learning " and get the levels based on different languages.
6.Click on "For Enterprise".
7.Fill the form by entering values from excel file.
- Handle the chatbot iframe popup if displayed.
9.Validate if any error message is shown and get the error message.
Overcame issues related to dynamic content and page structure. Implemented error handling mechanisms for robust automation.
Increased efficiency through automated news retrieval. Reduced manual effort and minimized the chance of human errors.
Mohanrajhan, B R – 2318604
Anandhan, Lingeswaran – 2318643
Gangadharan, Dhina – 2318622
K, Praveenraj - 2318625