Tic Tac Toe game for Android
- Android Studio 2.1.3
- Gradle 2+
- Android Debug Bridge (usually included in Android Studio)
- This project is built for Android 6 and 7 and tested on a Nexus 6P
- Open the project with Android Studio
- Run by using Run > Run 'app'
- If there is no emulator available, you will be prompted to create one.
- Create one using the Android Studio Emulator wizard.
- Once the emulator has been created or connected, the app will load
- You will need a running Android emulator with Android 6 or 7
- Open the project in Android Studio
- You will need to generate an .apk file using Android Studio by using Build > Generate Signed APK... The wizard will guide you through the steps needed
- Copy the .apk to the sdk build tools directory. On a mac this will be Library/Android/sdk/build-tools
- Within that directory, run the command
adb install [.apk name]
- If the emulator is running, the app will install and run
- Either connect your phone to Android Studio and run as with the emulator
- Or generate an .apk as with the command line and install on your phone
- Acceptance tests are written using the espresso testing framework which requires an emulator.
- To run from the command line, from within the TicTacToe directory, run
./gradlew connectedCheck
- To run in Android Studio, right click the test directory and select "run"